Oh, and ‘Fake News’ CNN seemingly proves President Trump right once again. Former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan accused the US government of a conspiracy to oust him from his position (due to his stance on Russia-Ukraine), which the US had denied, and CNN further indicated this is a ‘flimsy conspiracy theory’ for which “there is no evidence”. Source.
MSNBC now reports: “The Intercept published a diplomatic cable it said it obtained from an anonymous source in Pakistan’s military documenting a U.S. State Department official encouraging the Pakistani government to oust the country’s then-prime minister Imran Khan from power using a no-confidence vote.” MSNBC also reports: “Many countries outside the West saw the U.S.’s position on Ukraine as hypocritical given its long foreign policy record of meddling with and invading other countries.” Source. They could have also noted the hypocrisy involved when the US, constantly involved in interfering in other countries’ elections, cried foul for years about Russiagate, which incidentally had no actual evidence.
Okay then.
Extra: Trying to just report the news and not make any claims, but come on, how many examples do you need before you wake up to the reality that your leaders and mainstream news outlets are lying to you?
Indeed. Time to stop interfering.