Seriously, what is a woman?
Just last month we reported on the hesitance in the US and UK to give a definition for the term ‘woman’. Australian news outlet reports that Australians also seem to be stumped by the seemingly simple request: “Liberal Senator Alex Antic posed the question to Health Secretary Brendan Murphy during Senate Estimates on Wednesday, after last week failing to get a response from the Workplace Gender Equality Agency. … The question was met with uncomfortable silence.” Source.
Okay then.
Note: A little extra for the inquisitive. How can we fight for women’s rights, or even the right for trans women to be recognised as women, if we don’t know what a ‘woman’ is? Do issues of inequality, as is claimed with the ‘gender pay gap’, wither away due to matters of identity and nebulous definitions? And, as we asked in our previous entry, if sex and gender are different, without which transgenderism is not possible, why should a male (sex) claiming to be a woman (gender) be allowed to occupy spaces or take opportunities reserved for females (sex), especially when the term ‘woman’ is so ill-defined?