What is a woman?
As reported by the New York Times, President Biden made a “promise to put a Black woman on the Supreme Court, a campaign year pledge that helped revive his flagging campaign”. Source.
The New York Times also reports that Biden’s eventual nominee, in light of “the participation of transgender women in women’s sports”, was asked to define ‘woman’, though she “dodged the question” and stated, “I’m not a biologist.” Source.
Okay then.
Note: A little extra for the inquisitive. This follows other recent incidents where those generally supportive of the notion that ‘trans women are women’ fail to clearly define what a woman is. For example, the Daily Mail reports that in the UK, on International Women’s Day, Shadow Secretary of State for Women and Equalities and Chair of the Labour Party Anneliese Dodds was asked “what Labour’s definition of a woman is” and did not provide a straight answer. Source. Okay Then News also reached out to President Biden for his definition and have as yet received no answer. How can the notion that trans women are women be taken seriously if ‘woman’ is now such a nebulous term? Can a non-traditionalist definition of ‘woman’ be offered that is not sexist or homophobic? If sex and gender are different, without which transgenderism is not possible, why should a male (sex) claiming to be a woman (gender) be allowed to occupy spaces or take opportunities reserved for females (sex), especially when the term ‘woman’ is so ill-defined?