Since this debacle began in early 2020, I have been building my own offline library of files to try to sort out the truth and develop my own course of action despite the avalanche of propaganda. That library is now massive so I sparingly add new posts. But this article is so well researched and referenced, it's now part of my library. Because of people like you, I was able to make the decision in early 2021 to rely on our own natural defenses to protect me, including facilitating my recovery after catching the virus. And now you folks provide the basis where I can reinforce my own convictions and help others. Thank you.

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Thanks for the helpful compilation, Raphael, and for your nice summary article, both of which are appreciated. These are indeed must-read articles for those interested in understanding what is actually known about Covid-19 'vaccines'. I was at first puzzled by Paul and colleague's title, which might have been instead, "WHO is anti-science", without the question mark. ;-) I assume also that the final sentence of your own paper is written a little tongue-in-cheek with "inexplicable denigration of natural immunity"; it is not very taxing to jump to a conclusion that the denigration of natural immunity has (very) significant commercial benefits to the pharmaceutical industry, so that the inexplicable becomes potentially much more explicable.

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Yep, inexplicable unless you start thinking the worst of people. Should always be the last resort, but it's getting harder not to do by the day.

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Before making fools of ourselves, and redistributing erronous information, it might be worth watching these two video channels: Debunk the Funk by Dr Wilson and Back to the Science with Dr S. Oliver.

I suspect the motivation has good intentions, but incapacable of understand technical medical journals.

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It's funny you talk about "making fools of ourselves". I have literally written multiple articles now on these topics for technical medical journals :) Trust the science...

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