Hi Raphael, The Letter to the Editor on your article "How the adverse effect counting window affected vaccine safety calculations in randomised trials of COVID-19 vaccines" https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jep.13962 is:

Re: How the adverse effect counting window affected vaccine safety calculations in randomised trials of COVID-19 vaccines

Hinpetch Daungsupawong PhD, Viroj Wiwanitkit MD

Journal of Evaluation In Clinical Practice 2024-02-26


There is no abstract and the PDF is paywalled. So we can't read it.

Looking at the earliest articles listed at Researchgate for these two authors, the earliest are:


A comment in a journal published on 2023-09-28: https://www.pagepressjournals.org/index.php/bam/article/view/11722 with the second author:


2004 - a paywalled article at: https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/10.1089/088282402320914566 which is available at: https://sci-hub.ru/10.1089/088282402320914566 .

He seems to be a real person. See this article at Retraction Watch: https://retractionwatch.com/2023/07/24/meet-the-author-who-has-published-more-than-500-letters-to-the-editor-in-a-year/ which mentions him as being "hyperprolific".

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Great find, definitely real people, that's the point (for them). The scandal is that these legitimate journals are publishing such low-value trash.

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Being a real person doesn't make them the author of what's posted in their name.

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You can find the details of the British Medical Journal publishing totally false information here:


Brazenly and provably and proven false information but the BMJ will not remove it and everyone has been misled by this for over 12 years. Why can anyone write that about the BMJ? Because it is true.

So how much else published by the BMJ and other journals is also completely false.

Former BMJ editor-in-chief Dr Richard Smith wrote: “Scrap peer review and beware of ‘top journals’” BMJ Blogs March 22, 2010


He also warns "Time to assume that health research is fraudulent until proven otherwise?" July 5, 2021


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Thanks for bringing these examples to light. It is truly bizarre to see such publication statistics. Does anybody actually claim to read all these papers, let alone claim to write them??

And this is "the science"!

Small wonder that many of us have stopped regarding the journals as sources of information, but rather as sources of propaganda.

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Dr Lataster, yours is the best take down and take apart of the ills currently plaguing medical journal publishing. Best wishes to you for your success at getting this message out! Thank you!!

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Raphael, we're in midst of an implosion. Beginning with the dubious 'Enlightenment' we reached supernova status, debatably, c.1960. Since then we have undergone transformation into a bloated red giant and are now poised to collapse into a small black hole. The implied innuendo appears self-evident.

We are well past any point of academic redemption given that the institutions have also been thoroughly co-opted and rejoice on international platforms like, The "Conn." aka. 'Conversation' while spruiking DIE ideology, which is about as far removed from a testable hypothesis as one might get.

Good wishes, https://drlatusdextro.substack.com/

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Mar 7
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LOL. Thanks for the laugh. I needed one today ...

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I’m just an applied science guy who worked in a hospital for the past 28 years. Unlike most of my colleagues who took the jabs, some giddy with excitement and relief, I declined, had a bad cold and soldered on managing to keep my job via “religious exemption”. Did I wear a filthy mask? I did. Went to the lengths of wearing recycled N-95’s (my own, sterilized by UV-C; the best we could do knowing it was merely forestalling the inevitable COVID). We did our best to care for our patients despite the virus-vaccine squeeze play enforced by the pandemic fascists. So did my colleagues who took the jab. I’ll give most of them the benefit of a doubt although there were some useful idiots who parroted the pandemic fascists talking points and behaved like Pharma’s shills. So most of us in some fashion or another “failed” by your standards. I am not unaware of the compromises people must make in order to survive, feed our families, care for our patients and for some of us to continue on a guerrilla war against the regime and its narrative. Have I been slapping myself as suggested? Daily. I’m haunted by the question of whether I could have done more. Others have and at great personal cost and they should be applauded. But I stop short of apologizing for my actions. Living and surviving under tyranny exacts a price those who have lived through that experience know. The Gulag Archipelago remains one of the best accounts of that reality. Peace.

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New Zealander here. Kiwis were taught by our then Prime Sinister "Comrade" Jacinda Ardern and her Marxist/Labour Party comrades that the unvaxxed were "selfish" and were second class citizens, and Kiwis were encouraged to be snitches and report any New Zealanders who, say, were all alone at the beach getting fresh air and sunshine, WITHOUT A MASK (gasp!), when they were supposed to be locked down in their homes.

And all the time Ardern was coaching her compliant and vaxxed "good Germans" how to treat with contempt the "selfish" unvaxxed second class citizens, she knew that approximately 11,000 health care workers and Ministry of Health personnel had gotten secret exemptions. So while thousands of Kiwis were mandated out of their jobs and lost their homes in order not to risk their lives taking the dangerous Pfizer jabs, and thousands of Kiwis lost their small businesses due to all the mandatory lockdowns, and Kiwi schoolchildren's education was grossly interrupted, and Kiwis were barred from attending church services because they were unvaxxed, deceitful doctors in our town and all over NZ were "secretly" unvaxxed and deceiving their own patients, coming into close personal contact with the frightened elderly who trusted them, and being "willing executioners" by encouraging their patients to get vaxxed with the jabs that they themselves knew were unsafe and didn't take. And they got rewarded with taxpayer money for each jab they were able to convince their trusting patients to get. The banality of evil ...

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