Isn't it nice to know your government forced vaccination with an experimental vaccine was an executive order signed by a POTUS-who mumbled his responses in the Presidential Debate last weekend?
Since my upvote has been disabled (by the FBI directing the Substack minions), I'll say thank you, in person (maybe we should all have our upvotes disabled, if it encourages direct human contact, instead of the substitution of a sterile "click.")
" He was sentenced to five years' imprisonment, but released after 10 months as he was believed to be suffering from Alzheimer's disease. He subsequently recovered.[1] "
If they're all on the same bandwagon, then we can be on the other one. Starting from the grassroots, bottoms up. "Nonpartisan" is when everybody agrees (with the evidence in front of them), and an "issue" is when we don't like it. I think a "nonpartisan issue" is when we don't like it.
And I think we can build at the community level, and network. Cheers:
This weeks report that global birth rates are seeing a rapid decline says the RNA injections are winning and over 100 more are being researched to supposedly combat disease states! The medical community and the money men are all in with both feet! Humanity is losing! They have achieved lab rat status.
If It is now acceptable to question the efficacy of a vaccination, wonder when we will be hearing same about the ridiculous number given to infants and very young children and that insidious HPV jab?
“If it is now acceptable to question the efficacy of a vaccine”???? So, does that mean that “doctors” were trained to NOT question these deadly “vaccines” before injecting them into people? That none of you looked into the actual ingredients or drawbacks beforehand? So, you had no idea that every single make of the COVID-DIVOC bioweapon contained deadly parasite eggs such has Trypanosoma Cruzi that causes myocarditis? That’s one reason that it was kept so cold…so that the eggs wouldn’t hatch before being injected. The other parasites cause mental illness, TURBO CANCER from microparasites and many more deadly issues. If you don’t know what causes an illness, how can you heal anyone? The fact that microparasites cause cancer has been known since 1972 when scientists discovered it. But I know how to kill them and heal cancer amongst many other diseases. It has taken me a lifetime. Go to : if you’re up to learning the truth.
Science teacher. When I was in uni Ed. majors required to take botany (3 100 T/F question tests and a T/F. 200 question final), no math chemistry and no math physics. They were then "qualified" to teach science at all levels.
Our daughter made a similar observation. She majored in English 25 years ago, and could spot the 3 Ed. majors in one of her Shakespeare classes due to their ineptitude and slovenly ignorance. Is it any wonder that the performance of public schools is so abysmal? "Teacher Certification" is nothing more than a union ploy to benefit the "ins," those who have jumped through the required hoops at the expense of the students. I considered a non-standard path to certification 30 years ago. Walked out of the class when the instruction was to "Write down whatever comes to your mind without thinking about it." after writing what I thought about the inane assignment, something along the line of how the cow ate the cabbage. There are many folks who are gifted at teaching without having to be taught how to do so. Prospective chemistry teachers should become more familiar with their area of expertise than wasting their time in Ed. classes. And teachers' unions? Don't get me started, because if I was in charge, public education as we know it would cease to exist.
Independent schools in the UK employ people who are specialists in their subjects and they don't have to also have a 'teaching' qualification (although many do). Could that be why they outperform nearly all the state schools in public exams? Could that be why they are over-represented in the top universities? Could that be why they are over represented in the top jobs? Could that be why they are over represented in elite sports?
Could that also be why the Labour party want to abolish independent schools. They are committed to taxing parents 20% extra on the fees (VAT) as soon as they get into power after 4th July. Everybody must be 'equal' so let's all sink to the lowest possible level.
That's good to know! Although we're in Texas, we have been watching Nigel and Jacob on GBNews (and hope they both are happy on Thusday evening) until Sunak called the election, so we are familiar with Labour's scheme which is loaded with unintended consequences at the expense of excellence for children. I was not aware of the stats you cite, though. Class warfare is alive and well and I hope the polls are wrong. Five years is a long time to put up with stupid policy. Hoping Nigel shocks the world!
Hope so too! I often think maybe Texas (it's bigger than France!!!) or Florida would be the places to escape to when the socialism here gets too bad. (I'd never get a green card though, so it's just a dream!)
As you know, the Fourth of July is Independence Day here. Momentum is a funny thing, and from here it looks like Nigel has it in spades. Labour is doing so well in the polls because the Tories' recent record is so appalling and people want change. What better way to effect change than to vote Reform; Independence Day on both sides of the pond!
I have the same observation. My degree was in medical technology from UNC in 1950. Strong on science with. Chemistry minor …also medical courses in the medical school at UNC. Because of the hours in a hospital, I decided to teach ,when there was a real shortage of teachers in the 50’s. So I had to take ed courses…mostly a waste of time. Teachers who have a degree in their field instead of an ed degree would be better prepared to teach, in their field ( Except for elementary school, )though a few courses in how to teach would also be beneficial.
Agree. However, the biggest mistake that the education lobby made at that level was the move to consolidation. The one-room local school, for grades 1-8, is a far preferable model in my view. It has a self-corrective dynamic that dividing kids into grade-level prisons lacks. The brighter third graders can listen in on what the sixth graders are doing. The slower fifth graders might need to pay attention to what's happening with the second or third graders as they learn their arithmetic. Once an eighth grader has mastered the material, that chiild can help with the younger ones, and, voila, learn how to teach in the process!
Thank God people like you will never be in charge.
You don’t even know how society works.
Take for example chemistry teachers. I was married to one for 15 years, starting from college, so I am shaking my head at your ignorance. The ex majored in chemistry, meaning he took numerous actual chemistry classes. Then he took education classes on top of that.
And “free writing” is a legit writing exercise. You sound like someone who never received an education and is bitter about it.
I'm too old to be in charge. I like naps and time with the dogs and cats. But I do think I know how society works to some degree - perhaps more than you do. Because if you are a cheerleader for the public education system in this country, starting with the Department of Education, we have no basis on which to have a discussion. I have no truck with science teachers; if they know their stuff, the education classes are probably a waste of time. "Free writing" might be legit for you, but it's nonsense to me, insultingly so. Bitter? No, happy as a clam. Uneducated? No, BA from UT-Austin and MA from Texas State. And none of the classes were online.
I'm puzzled by this reaction too which I am seeing here in the UK. I can only assume that the initial propaganda was so effective, and was etched so deeply into the minds of the believers, that no subsequent revelations can displace it.
My sister says “it’s time to move on” after saying we can’t discuss this because her opinions are based on science. I asked her what science she was following when she shrieked on Facebook that she had just been sentenced to death when she had to return to classroom teaching. In rural Vermont. What science was she following when she had her kids masked up at a lake, all alone- not another soul around. Still waiting for those answers of course. She just knows that she did the right thing and conversation is racist.
Thank you. It's time to stop waiting, get the word out! Make sure everyone you know sees this article, and maybe more importantly, where the article is published.
How long will the "trickle down effect" take for the average person? Not until the product is taken off the market. The promotion of the product for the upcoming fall/winter infection is everywhere. This article will help to start some questioning in the medical community, will it be enough?
Jabs were under EUA and according to the terms of the vaccine contracts Australia signed with the manufacturer it was explicit in the contract that there was "no guarantee of a positive clinical outcome."
“A positive clinical outcome is a measurable change in symptoms, overall health, ability to function, quality of life, or survival outcomes that result from giving care to patients.”
What this means is that the manufacturers are not liable because of the contracts, and the government is not liable because of the terms of the Emergency powers. It would be possible to stress test mass murder against the Emergency powers on certain individuals as I have suggested here, but no one seems interested:
Also, the Senate just had an excess deaths enquiry and the result was "vaccines only caused a dozen deaths, there really are no excess deaths, and if there were, it was covid." It is nearly impossible to legally prove harm under our government structure because they just keep rolling out complicit 'experts.'
The people who did this set up an impenetrable legal wall around themselves that ensured no one will ever be held to account because they were acting under Emergency powers, and they are protected by police and military and a complicit judicial system. Even the 'freedom politicians' are all in. They refuse to remove or even examine the Emergency powers that facilitated any of this.
Maybe in 20 years the vaccine injured will get a watered down apology. No one will ever bring up the unvaccinated again. Financial payouts are not 'wins.' The government can just print more money.
The only thing we can do is share the information and stop relying on the state and legal structure to fight our battles for us because they will not. They are totally captured. The people who murdered so many will quietly go to their graves exactly like what happened to the perpetrators of the Iraq war.
I am very sorry, but people need to understand this, because this is the world in which the perpetrators operate. They simply do not care about what happened and are very proud of themselves.
absolutely spot on its quite clear these demon ghouls thought this through and covered every base ,i mean if you can say just do it we cannot i guarantee you we can not be prosecuted even if millions die and you will get rich from it then its hardly surprising the scum governments went along with it
I published the FOIs demonstrating that the government knew the science behind the vaccines in 2020. There was no way they would have rolled them out without legal protection for themselves. Anyone with year 12 biology could see the LNP technology alone is incredibly dangerous and definitely was not 'going to stay in the arm' because that is not what LNPs are designed to do.
In the case of WA, our CHO is a highly qualified bioweapons inspector. He definitely knew what he was looking at and his response after watching catastrophic vaccine injuries for a year during covid zero was to then mandate for healthy people of working age.
They know they will never see the inside of a courtroom, and in fact are being awarded by the King for their service. People need to give up the idea of 'justice' because the system that is trying to kill them will not give them what they are looking for.
The people pining for 'legal justice' are playing into the story that has been programmed for them. It is akin to being on an airplane, strapped into your seat and doing nothing while the plane is on fire.
Grab a parachute and get out of the fucking plane.
We don't need endless trials ,useless palavers .We need executions .The criminals convicted them self by their actions ,that was and still is mass murder .
and sharing! This is particularly valuable in view of the recent public health advisory that all over 6 mos get the latest Covid "vaccination" this fall.
We now go seamlessly from one pandemic into another . If the cow pandemic has done its job ,its the monkey pandemic ,after that the swine pandemic ,then the covid pandemic ,followed by the bird pandemic .The next one after that is the fish pandemic . If we keep going like that we will run out of animals causing pandemics ,that means the humans are the final pandemic ,and they must be eradicated .
We live in several pandemics at the same time .One is the climate pandemic and the migration pandemic and the ERF PANDEMIC AND ,AND ,AND ,AND ??? PLEASE FILL IN THE MANY OTHERS .
This is good news for the sake of reporting the truth. After hearing the initial reports of danger, I avoided the vaccine like the plague! Thanks for your dedication in reporting the vaccine conspiracy. Keep up the good work!
Here from Dr Malone’s repost. It appears to me, a former big Pharma investor whose personal ethics are more important than profit, that sometime in the mid to late 1980s eternal sickness short of death became a valid big Pharma business model.
Thank you for letting me know. Blows my mind. I'm pretty much ignored in my own country, even by those you think would be on 'our side'. And then Malone shares it. Some random nobody's ever heard of :)
Everybody is a random nobody, until they are not. My personal view is that obscurity and anonymity are some of the most valuable assets. I have been a fly on the wall more than once and valued the situation during or after! One example: I was really happy a state Governor’s chief of staff (and a real SOB) thought I was unimportant and didn’t recognize me. He was taking his boy friend, or maybe just date for the evening, out to dinner! Last I heard he was caught in a Police sting in Lynchburg, VA. This was and still is probably the worst town in the region for this and he ended up in prison. A real honey of a guy!
One thing I have heard mentioned only once is that in 2017 there was some sort of chart or publication circulating within big Pharma that demonstrated that their current business could not be profitable going forward. I suspect due to loss of patent protection and/or new diseases to treat. I guess then you just create some new diseases! I had some Warner Lambert bought out by Pfizer for Lipitor. Lipitor was loosing protection in the late 90s and questions were being raised about the safety of all statins, so I bailed and put the proceeds back into natural resources. I am primarily an energy geologist BTW with some mining background as well.
It is just a matter of time, but the truth will out. I hope sooner rather than later. We still need those who participated at varying levels to be held to account. So, it seems the actors directly involved in the premature roll out of the shots were Peter Marks and Janet Yellen. Correct me please if I am wrong on that. I did read that Yellen said she was 'disappointed in herself' regarding the fact that many are now harmed from the shots. Marks and Yellen knew the potential for harms and yet gave the green light. How can there be no consequences for these people for their mealy-mouthed statements about actions that had catastrophic consequences reverberating globally? There will be many docuseries and movies about this whole era. The congressional hearings were a slap on the wrist from some members and others handed out badges of honour to the perps. I am not seeking revenge, but I do want full exposure and for it to go mainstream. I want parents to be so aware that they never put their children in jeopardy again, and that will only happen when the facts become common knowledge.
100%. Heads need to roll over this. 1 imprisoned for the GFC. 0 imprisoned over this. But sure, let's quibble over whether Trump properly declared his hush money payments...
I agree with your BIG characterization. Another substantial bite out of the elephant I call CONVID. Pharma and it's limitless funding is slowly imploding from excessive greed. The overplayed hand of this COVID / "vaccine" corruption is their undoing. Anyone who cannot see the pandemic management flawless failure record is deserved of more gene therapy injections. It is their children that I fear for. Can we not do something about this prolific injection of babies madness ?
Baffling pharmaceutical oligarchs and nearsighted scientists, German researchers published an important preprint study last week titled, “Differential Increases in Excess Mortality in the German Federal States During the COVID-19 Pandemic.” The study showed the strongest statistical analysis yet linking covid jab rates to untimely deaths, and immediately became the current go-to study for a couple very surprising reasons.
The researchers crunched health and mortality data for Germany’s sixteen states, including vaccination records, since the Germans meticulously record everything, such as the quantities of loose strands left over in individual German hairbrushes. But some data is useful and the study’s scientists carefully examined the first three years of the pandemic, finding a lot of people died.
Specifically, they compared the number of deaths with pre-pandemic population tables and pre-pandemic life expectancy trends and like Magellan, discovered excess deaths, which, at this point, even Magellan’s Aunt Edna could easily find — without her two-pound eyeglasses or a map. Having found those off-the-charts numbers of dead Germans, they compared those excess death rates from each German state to a constellation of other state-level variables.
Isn't it nice to know your government forced vaccination with an experimental vaccine was an executive order signed by a POTUS-who mumbled his responses in the Presidential Debate last weekend?
The dementia paedophile in chief
It is a script re dementia perhaps... just like when George W. was painted as stupid. No? Yes?
I believe W wasn't the brightest bulb in the box. Biden's definitely demented and a paedophile...
Also a crime boss
But a fabulous actor...recall the
Storybook time showing airplanes to Kindergarten class morning of 9 11. Classic.
Pedo potatus.
''Humanity is about to be tested.......
Fuck off. That's slander as you have zero proof of that. On the other hand, the convicted felon was buds with pedophile Epstein.
Ashley Biden's diary and countless video snippets of Biden sniffing hair and fondling prepubescent girl's chests say otherwise.
Have a nice delusional holiday day.
Please leave me alone with your personal attacks. Vote for whomever you like. I really don't care what you do, just please go away.
Since my upvote has been disabled (by the FBI directing the Substack minions), I'll say thank you, in person (maybe we should all have our upvotes disabled, if it encourages direct human contact, instead of the substitution of a sterile "click.")
And the ACOG is still recommending the genetic jab to pregnant women. 😩🤬
Insanity? Incompetence? Idiocy? Pure EVIL.
Never attribute to incompetence that which is actually pure evil. (Or something like that.)
Brandon was clearly mentally impaired in early 2020.
Mumble and stumble in public may be his "get out of jail card" ??
It has already worked with Special Counsel Robert Hur.
President ?
Thanks for the article: The shoes fit perfectly.
" He was sentenced to five years' imprisonment, but released after 10 months as he was believed to be suffering from Alzheimer's disease. He subsequently recovered.[1] "
Hmm. No one "recovers" from Alzheimer's. Must have been an Oscar-worthy performance.
'Ernest Walter Saunders' anagrams to 'renewed Satan rustlers'.
And as the link suggests he had an abnormally small brain 'tuneless retard answer' is perhaps suitable.
If they're all on the same bandwagon, then we can be on the other one. Starting from the grassroots, bottoms up. "Nonpartisan" is when everybody agrees (with the evidence in front of them), and an "issue" is when we don't like it. I think a "nonpartisan issue" is when we don't like it.
And I think we can build at the community level, and network. Cheers:
Of course one has to be pretty far gone oneself to believe that guy is actually in charge of anything. Or any other president for that matter.
Can I keep this app and hide anything you post?
This weeks report that global birth rates are seeing a rapid decline says the RNA injections are winning and over 100 more are being researched to supposedly combat disease states! The medical community and the money men are all in with both feet! Humanity is losing! They have achieved lab rat status.
Hopefully the Amish will save us.
Who is going to save the Amish???
The Amish (the only non-cellphone-addicted tribe on the planet).
I'm thinking of the FDA shutting their businesses down 😔
All those 🤑🤑🤑“scientists” jobless, homeless? What about 🤑🤑🤑🤑 CDC? What’s good for? PCR testing the birds? 🤣 Clowns everywhere.
07/01/24: Something else Trump will have to attend to on Day One or else.
He's got a busy first day!
Amish can self sustain, right ?
The non-pacifists.
If It is now acceptable to question the efficacy of a vaccination, wonder when we will be hearing same about the ridiculous number given to infants and very young children and that insidious HPV jab?
“If it is now acceptable to question the efficacy of a vaccine”???? So, does that mean that “doctors” were trained to NOT question these deadly “vaccines” before injecting them into people? That none of you looked into the actual ingredients or drawbacks beforehand? So, you had no idea that every single make of the COVID-DIVOC bioweapon contained deadly parasite eggs such has Trypanosoma Cruzi that causes myocarditis? That’s one reason that it was kept so cold…so that the eggs wouldn’t hatch before being injected. The other parasites cause mental illness, TURBO CANCER from microparasites and many more deadly issues. If you don’t know what causes an illness, how can you heal anyone? The fact that microparasites cause cancer has been known since 1972 when scientists discovered it. But I know how to kill them and heal cancer amongst many other diseases. It has taken me a lifetime. Go to : if you’re up to learning the truth.
750,000 of these articles could be published and my “science teacher” sister will still claim she did the right thing and I am a science denier.
Science teacher. When I was in uni Ed. majors required to take botany (3 100 T/F question tests and a T/F. 200 question final), no math chemistry and no math physics. They were then "qualified" to teach science at all levels.
Our daughter made a similar observation. She majored in English 25 years ago, and could spot the 3 Ed. majors in one of her Shakespeare classes due to their ineptitude and slovenly ignorance. Is it any wonder that the performance of public schools is so abysmal? "Teacher Certification" is nothing more than a union ploy to benefit the "ins," those who have jumped through the required hoops at the expense of the students. I considered a non-standard path to certification 30 years ago. Walked out of the class when the instruction was to "Write down whatever comes to your mind without thinking about it." after writing what I thought about the inane assignment, something along the line of how the cow ate the cabbage. There are many folks who are gifted at teaching without having to be taught how to do so. Prospective chemistry teachers should become more familiar with their area of expertise than wasting their time in Ed. classes. And teachers' unions? Don't get me started, because if I was in charge, public education as we know it would cease to exist.
Independent schools in the UK employ people who are specialists in their subjects and they don't have to also have a 'teaching' qualification (although many do). Could that be why they outperform nearly all the state schools in public exams? Could that be why they are over-represented in the top universities? Could that be why they are over represented in the top jobs? Could that be why they are over represented in elite sports?
Could that also be why the Labour party want to abolish independent schools. They are committed to taxing parents 20% extra on the fees (VAT) as soon as they get into power after 4th July. Everybody must be 'equal' so let's all sink to the lowest possible level.
That's good to know! Although we're in Texas, we have been watching Nigel and Jacob on GBNews (and hope they both are happy on Thusday evening) until Sunak called the election, so we are familiar with Labour's scheme which is loaded with unintended consequences at the expense of excellence for children. I was not aware of the stats you cite, though. Class warfare is alive and well and I hope the polls are wrong. Five years is a long time to put up with stupid policy. Hoping Nigel shocks the world!
Hope so too! I often think maybe Texas (it's bigger than France!!!) or Florida would be the places to escape to when the socialism here gets too bad. (I'd never get a green card though, so it's just a dream!)
As you know, the Fourth of July is Independence Day here. Momentum is a funny thing, and from here it looks like Nigel has it in spades. Labour is doing so well in the polls because the Tories' recent record is so appalling and people want change. What better way to effect change than to vote Reform; Independence Day on both sides of the pond!
Could be.
the simplest way to "equality" is to employ a lot of Diana Moon Glampers.
I have the same observation. My degree was in medical technology from UNC in 1950. Strong on science with. Chemistry minor …also medical courses in the medical school at UNC. Because of the hours in a hospital, I decided to teach ,when there was a real shortage of teachers in the 50’s. So I had to take ed courses…mostly a waste of time. Teachers who have a degree in their field instead of an ed degree would be better prepared to teach, in their field ( Except for elementary school, )though a few courses in how to teach would also be beneficial.
Agree. However, the biggest mistake that the education lobby made at that level was the move to consolidation. The one-room local school, for grades 1-8, is a far preferable model in my view. It has a self-corrective dynamic that dividing kids into grade-level prisons lacks. The brighter third graders can listen in on what the sixth graders are doing. The slower fifth graders might need to pay attention to what's happening with the second or third graders as they learn their arithmetic. Once an eighth grader has mastered the material, that chiild can help with the younger ones, and, voila, learn how to teach in the process!
Thank God people like you will never be in charge.
You don’t even know how society works.
Take for example chemistry teachers. I was married to one for 15 years, starting from college, so I am shaking my head at your ignorance. The ex majored in chemistry, meaning he took numerous actual chemistry classes. Then he took education classes on top of that.
And “free writing” is a legit writing exercise. You sound like someone who never received an education and is bitter about it.
I'm too old to be in charge. I like naps and time with the dogs and cats. But I do think I know how society works to some degree - perhaps more than you do. Because if you are a cheerleader for the public education system in this country, starting with the Department of Education, we have no basis on which to have a discussion. I have no truck with science teachers; if they know their stuff, the education classes are probably a waste of time. "Free writing" might be legit for you, but it's nonsense to me, insultingly so. Bitter? No, happy as a clam. Uneducated? No, BA from UT-Austin and MA from Texas State. And none of the classes were online.
One would hope for some logic, too.
I'm puzzled by this reaction too which I am seeing here in the UK. I can only assume that the initial propaganda was so effective, and was etched so deeply into the minds of the believers, that no subsequent revelations can displace it.
People can’t face how insanely stupid and hysterical they were. Denial is the only defense
brilliantly put
My sister says “it’s time to move on” after saying we can’t discuss this because her opinions are based on science. I asked her what science she was following when she shrieked on Facebook that she had just been sentenced to death when she had to return to classroom teaching. In rural Vermont. What science was she following when she had her kids masked up at a lake, all alone- not another soul around. Still waiting for those answers of course. She just knows that she did the right thing and conversation is racist.
excuses have there uses i suppose
Almost all of the science taught and in practice now ,is the Anton Faussi science .
Didn't you get the memo? Saint Fauci is the science now.
Shuddup and do as you are told.
Thank you. It's time to stop waiting, get the word out! Make sure everyone you know sees this article, and maybe more importantly, where the article is published.
Congratulations Raphael, and thanks for your continuing efforts to get the truth out.
How long will the "trickle down effect" take for the average person? Not until the product is taken off the market. The promotion of the product for the upcoming fall/winter infection is everywhere. This article will help to start some questioning in the medical community, will it be enough?
Let the trials begin.
I'm here for it.
Jabs were under EUA and according to the terms of the vaccine contracts Australia signed with the manufacturer it was explicit in the contract that there was "no guarantee of a positive clinical outcome."
“A positive clinical outcome is a measurable change in symptoms, overall health, ability to function, quality of life, or survival outcomes that result from giving care to patients.”
What this means is that the manufacturers are not liable because of the contracts, and the government is not liable because of the terms of the Emergency powers. It would be possible to stress test mass murder against the Emergency powers on certain individuals as I have suggested here, but no one seems interested:
Also, the Senate just had an excess deaths enquiry and the result was "vaccines only caused a dozen deaths, there really are no excess deaths, and if there were, it was covid." It is nearly impossible to legally prove harm under our government structure because they just keep rolling out complicit 'experts.'
The people who did this set up an impenetrable legal wall around themselves that ensured no one will ever be held to account because they were acting under Emergency powers, and they are protected by police and military and a complicit judicial system. Even the 'freedom politicians' are all in. They refuse to remove or even examine the Emergency powers that facilitated any of this.
Maybe in 20 years the vaccine injured will get a watered down apology. No one will ever bring up the unvaccinated again. Financial payouts are not 'wins.' The government can just print more money.
The only thing we can do is share the information and stop relying on the state and legal structure to fight our battles for us because they will not. They are totally captured. The people who murdered so many will quietly go to their graves exactly like what happened to the perpetrators of the Iraq war.
I am very sorry, but people need to understand this, because this is the world in which the perpetrators operate. They simply do not care about what happened and are very proud of themselves.
absolutely spot on its quite clear these demon ghouls thought this through and covered every base ,i mean if you can say just do it we cannot i guarantee you we can not be prosecuted even if millions die and you will get rich from it then its hardly surprising the scum governments went along with it
Thanks - yes.
I published the FOIs demonstrating that the government knew the science behind the vaccines in 2020. There was no way they would have rolled them out without legal protection for themselves. Anyone with year 12 biology could see the LNP technology alone is incredibly dangerous and definitely was not 'going to stay in the arm' because that is not what LNPs are designed to do.
In the case of WA, our CHO is a highly qualified bioweapons inspector. He definitely knew what he was looking at and his response after watching catastrophic vaccine injuries for a year during covid zero was to then mandate for healthy people of working age.
They know they will never see the inside of a courtroom, and in fact are being awarded by the King for their service. People need to give up the idea of 'justice' because the system that is trying to kill them will not give them what they are looking for.
The people pining for 'legal justice' are playing into the story that has been programmed for them. It is akin to being on an airplane, strapped into your seat and doing nothing while the plane is on fire.
Grab a parachute and get out of the fucking plane.
We don't need endless trials ,useless palavers .We need executions .The criminals convicted them self by their actions ,that was and still is mass murder .
I agree. We need legal authorities willing to take legal measures.
God Bless you, Raphael.
It is an uphill battle and the other side has been throwing rocks hard.
Thankfully, due to scientific observers like you, these studies are publishing as they are running out of rocks to throw.
Keep pressing on!
We're not at the top yet - and may never (scientifically) arrive.
But the battle will continue as more and more wake up and join the effort.
Thank you for your vigilance
and sharing! This is particularly valuable in view of the recent public health advisory that all over 6 mos get the latest Covid "vaccination" this fall.
We now go seamlessly from one pandemic into another . If the cow pandemic has done its job ,its the monkey pandemic ,after that the swine pandemic ,then the covid pandemic ,followed by the bird pandemic .The next one after that is the fish pandemic . If we keep going like that we will run out of animals causing pandemics ,that means the humans are the final pandemic ,and they must be eradicated .
Deep. Don't tell the AI...
I guess we'll then move on to tech pandemics.......5G, Social media sites, digital platforms, AI robots !!
We live in several pandemics at the same time .One is the climate pandemic and the migration pandemic and the ERF PANDEMIC AND ,AND ,AND ,AND ??? PLEASE FILL IN THE MANY OTHERS .
And all along we are really suffering from a politician pandemic!
This is good news for the sake of reporting the truth. After hearing the initial reports of danger, I avoided the vaccine like the plague! Thanks for your dedication in reporting the vaccine conspiracy. Keep up the good work!
Here from Dr Malone’s repost. It appears to me, a former big Pharma investor whose personal ethics are more important than profit, that sometime in the mid to late 1980s eternal sickness short of death became a valid big Pharma business model.
Thank you for letting me know. Blows my mind. I'm pretty much ignored in my own country, even by those you think would be on 'our side'. And then Malone shares it. Some random nobody's ever heard of :)
Everybody is a random nobody, until they are not. My personal view is that obscurity and anonymity are some of the most valuable assets. I have been a fly on the wall more than once and valued the situation during or after! One example: I was really happy a state Governor’s chief of staff (and a real SOB) thought I was unimportant and didn’t recognize me. He was taking his boy friend, or maybe just date for the evening, out to dinner! Last I heard he was caught in a Police sting in Lynchburg, VA. This was and still is probably the worst town in the region for this and he ended up in prison. A real honey of a guy!
One thing I have heard mentioned only once is that in 2017 there was some sort of chart or publication circulating within big Pharma that demonstrated that their current business could not be profitable going forward. I suspect due to loss of patent protection and/or new diseases to treat. I guess then you just create some new diseases! I had some Warner Lambert bought out by Pfizer for Lipitor. Lipitor was loosing protection in the late 90s and questions were being raised about the safety of all statins, so I bailed and put the proceeds back into natural resources. I am primarily an energy geologist BTW with some mining background as well.
It is just a matter of time, but the truth will out. I hope sooner rather than later. We still need those who participated at varying levels to be held to account. So, it seems the actors directly involved in the premature roll out of the shots were Peter Marks and Janet Yellen. Correct me please if I am wrong on that. I did read that Yellen said she was 'disappointed in herself' regarding the fact that many are now harmed from the shots. Marks and Yellen knew the potential for harms and yet gave the green light. How can there be no consequences for these people for their mealy-mouthed statements about actions that had catastrophic consequences reverberating globally? There will be many docuseries and movies about this whole era. The congressional hearings were a slap on the wrist from some members and others handed out badges of honour to the perps. I am not seeking revenge, but I do want full exposure and for it to go mainstream. I want parents to be so aware that they never put their children in jeopardy again, and that will only happen when the facts become common knowledge.
100%. Heads need to roll over this. 1 imprisoned for the GFC. 0 imprisoned over this. But sure, let's quibble over whether Trump properly declared his hush money payments...
I agree with your BIG characterization. Another substantial bite out of the elephant I call CONVID. Pharma and it's limitless funding is slowly imploding from excessive greed. The overplayed hand of this COVID / "vaccine" corruption is their undoing. Anyone who cannot see the pandemic management flawless failure record is deserved of more gene therapy injections. It is their children that I fear for. Can we not do something about this prolific injection of babies madness ?
Here is another article you should reference.
Baffling pharmaceutical oligarchs and nearsighted scientists, German researchers published an important preprint study last week titled, “Differential Increases in Excess Mortality in the German Federal States During the COVID-19 Pandemic.” The study showed the strongest statistical analysis yet linking covid jab rates to untimely deaths, and immediately became the current go-to study for a couple very surprising reasons.
The researchers crunched health and mortality data for Germany’s sixteen states, including vaccination records, since the Germans meticulously record everything, such as the quantities of loose strands left over in individual German hairbrushes. But some data is useful and the study’s scientists carefully examined the first three years of the pandemic, finding a lot of people died.
Specifically, they compared the number of deaths with pre-pandemic population tables and pre-pandemic life expectancy trends and like Magellan, discovered excess deaths, which, at this point, even Magellan’s Aunt Edna could easily find — without her two-pound eyeglasses or a map. Having found those off-the-charts numbers of dead Germans, they compared those excess death rates from each German state to a constellation of other state-level variables.
People should be using the word most appropriate for the entire debacle, TREASON.
We have all been betrayed and if we don't wake people up whats coming will be far worse.