We’ve covered the apparent negative effectiveness of the COVID-19 jabs (the notion that the jabs *increase* your chance of COVID infection/hospitalisation/death) quite a bit, with a certain pre-print study (Shrestha et al.) being particularly compelling due to its identification of a dose-dependant relationship (the more jabs, the more COVID). That article has now been accepted, by Oxford University Press. Source.
As more time has elapsed, the study has been improved, with more references and data bolstering the earlier version’s implications that, yes, the bivalent boosters are effectively useless, and the more jabs you have the more likely you’ll be infected - and there is some valuable discussion on why this might be happening. This graph (from their Figure 2) is worth a thousand words:
Okay then.
Extra: So if COVID never really was that bad, especially in the young and healthy, and it has become more benign over time; and the jab appears to be killing a bunch of people; and when it comes to COVID its effectiveness (re infection, hospitalisation, and even death) rapidly wanes to 0 and even less than 0; why are we still encouraging and even forcing the jabs again?*
*Extra: At OTN we slowly but surely build with ongoing evidence over time. To get up to speed on all this, and more, see our two science summaries, and our latest entry on the mysterious rise in non-COVID excess deaths that just so happens to coincide with the introduction of the jabs.
Do you have a comment on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6Om398G_zs about the 3:00 mark. Seems to making stuff up IMO ?
This graph looks exactly the same as the Cleveland Clinic Study which means Shretha reproduces that finding.