18 hrs agoLiked by Raphael Lataster, PhD

You don't have to say nobody likes you because I am a fan of all substack authors who dig out the truth and put it in print.

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Thank you. A little dig at the dissident organisations, alt media, and minor political parties in my own country who for some reason want nothing to do with me. I've been better received outside Australia. Prophet without honour and all that...

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Australia is lost, sadly.

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So is Canada. I am disgusted with Australian officials at the AO when they deported, kicked out the #1 Tennis player Novak Djokovic for not taking the jab, as they were aware, and said it was OK. So he made the trip, first was ridiculed had his phone confiscated then was all over the media. Finally made it safe back to Serbia. Pure Satanists.

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18 hrs agoLiked by Raphael Lataster, PhD

All the animals died and n the trials when they were re introduced to the virus

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This comment is in response to Robert Malone's reposting of your fine article. IMHO Covid and the vaccine was never about a health issue. I look at it as a means to damage the Western Worlds economies and funnel Pharma and pandemic money to elite organizations to fund their desire to implement one world government. They had to have some iatrogenic deaths to scare people to take the vaccine and this is where the biggest crime occured. Those who took the covid vax not realizing its damaging contents were the second biggest crime. It is unlikely the perpetrators of this crime will ever be brought to justice as one murder is a tragic crime, genocide is a statistic.

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The main initial issue was dethroning Trump. At any cost and that cost by gum turned into mega profits

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I agree. Trump set back their plans so part of their plan was to get him out of office to move their plans forward. They installed a compliant puppet with skeletons in his closet to keep Biden in line.

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IF anyone is interested, check out Candace Owens she is doing a very deep dive on Kameltoe, if you thought Biden is bad and he is, that evil Indian now black woman is dangerous. Very interesting.

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Right. Plans were already in motion and then he DID set back their plans.

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I don't see our US medical system changing course as over 100 RNA injectable research projects are being worked on to perpetuate RNA injections as the new frontier for fighting disease states. I had a conversation yesterday with Co-Pilot to test it's accuracy and unbiased documentation of what is transpiring in the medical world. You can read the conversation here: Surprisingly accurate and not what the American public knows and is told. https://thomasabraunrph.substack.com/p/is-ai-objective

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Thank you for the excellent summary. As a practicing head and neck surgeon with a strong background in immunology and molecular biology(published articles in such literature), I was skeptical of the rollout of the vaccines but with first pass review of Pfizer data they appeared to be safe and somewhat effective. I as well as many of my staff and surrounding colleagues were injected first available day. We saw a very high percentage of covid infections after the injection within the first 1-2 weeks. I contacted Pfizer and the CDC for guidance. There was none. They had no explanation how someone could get Covid after first vaccination. They recommended the second booster. I did not. At that point immunology dictates that natural immunity will be far better than another spike protein challenge. I was rebuffed, cancelled, and vilified for speaking out against the injections once it was clear that many of the outpatient cases we treated all were being vaccinated and arriving with pretty serious Covid infections….im disgusted with the medical establishment but happy I’m on the back end of my career

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Marc, it was known from the start the shots were experimental. Just curious why you took the risk in the first place? Also, you are well educated in science, did you ever cover in your college years, the potential for harm from adjuvants etc....from vaccines in general?

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Evidently the Pfizer data wasn't questioned after all the millions of $ awarded due to so many oops! Even our good Dr. got duped.

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Finally “The Emperor has no clothes”. Hopefully ALL of this including the Corporate and Global conspiracy will all be addresses with real legal accountability (RICO) the next Administration. The new film Vaxed III should help a little

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Don't hold your breath, Dr. Myers.

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If Trump turns RFK loose like a pit bull hopefully more of this will come out but yes I won’t hold my breath.. Expect the worst you won’t be disappointed

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Don't hold your breath on that one either. They'll never allow Trump's (re)-election. They'll assassinate him first, and even assuming the election on November 5 happens: I fully expect a declaration of Martial Law over some false flag or other.

"Cthulhu for President! Why settle for the lesser evil?!" (https://www.cthulhuforamerica.com/)

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They’ve already started. Biden yesterday (Oct 4) wandered into a press conference to express his great concern about the violence brewing in the “far right” when Trump loses.

I agree with you 1000%. They will never let him win.

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Mind you, I wish it were otherwise. But then up here in America's Hat, I wish we could rid ourselves of Justine Castreau...

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I am Canadian and believe Castro Jr. if not gone by Christmas will be gone next year. There will be more non confidence votes, Pierre promised us that.

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I pray you are wrong. Good always wins.

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I offer Them death. By flensing. 👏 but I shall settle for a Mass Die-Off from SV40 & Soft Tissue Cancers... tick, tick, tick... y'all wanted us UnVaXXed in concentration camps, I want you in the GROUND.

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My solution to dealing with the shot pushers is to jab them all up in one sitting(because all the shots are so safe & effective, don’t you know) with ALL the haxxines on the schedule( the ones given from utero to death required for children these days). And make sure they’re all caught up on C-19 boosters. Is it 9 or 10 by now? Then let’s wait and see what happens.

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Have the bastards drink up on some fluoride while being IV'ed with glyphosate whilst being injected with every haxxines on the schedule. Yep, that sounds about right to me.

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Ah, yes. Can’t forget these additional “safe” toxins.

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I'm a bit more merciful than you: After a public, televised beheading via the Guillotine: No ambiguity, no possibility of faking it.

The attached is more than worth the 4+ hours it will take you to watch it (I've got about an hour to go...

"Exiled Brain Surgeon: DARPA Mind Control, Quantum Biology & Sunlight Medicine | Dr. Jack Kruse" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SiBFtwbyv44

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I agree. The above link to Danny Jones' interview with Kruse is more than worth the 4 + hours. I am currently RE-listening to it.

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I'll be posting it to my substack shortly. Definitely a "keeper"; I'm surprised Substack hasn't already memory-holed it.

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4 hrs ago·edited 4 hrs ago

I agree, I'm surprised, too. Was amazed it came up as a video for me to watch on YouTube. Am tempted to pay for Patreon in order to watch uncensored version. I almost can't imagine what was said.

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I saw only today a long line of people queuing outside a GP surgery to get their "autumn boosters for protection against 'flu and covid".

The UK health service seems to only offer these jabs now to the retired and the "vunerable". Nearly all of whom are eager to take them because they believe wholeheartedly that they are Safe & Effective and prevent them from dying of things that wouldn't kill them anyway.

I have given up talking about it all because the Believers are so convinced that it is pointless suggesting maybe the reason they keep getting covid is because the jabs don't work.

They are also getting jabs to protect against shingles even though it's probably the mRNA jabs that are letting the shingles develop!

The medical world needs to stop administering these things but, even if they know they are dangerous, there is a load of money to be made so the ball will just keep rolling.

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When trying to save someone from more jabs I talk about how the MSM newspapers and magazines in Canada is going bankrupt due to the Internet coming along with faster and better news. The only thing saving them is the $30.00 per hour subsidy paid by the Liberal government here. So they say nice things about the liberal government and do their bidding as the conservatives here have vowed to end the subsidies at which time all MSM newspapers will go under.

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About that negative effectiveness...

In my UK practice during 2021, there were about 3500 vaccinated patients and 1500 unvaccinated patients. It was obvious from August 2021 onwards that the vaccinated patients were getting covid +ve results more frequently than the unvaccinated (this just mirrors the UKHSA national results).

Our practice data also has numbers of tests done as well as numbers of positive tests. This means that we can analyse the testing rate between vaccinated and unvaccinated patients. What I found is that the unvaccinated were far less likely to take a covid test and this could in theory be a confounding factor.

What's interesting is that as time went on and more patients got booster and double boosters, the risk of catching covid increased over time for vaccinated patients but the testing rate differential for unvaccinated vs vaccinated did not. From this I concluded that testing rate differences could not be a confounding factor. It's far more likely that the multiple-vaccinated are progressively wrecking their immune systems with recurrent covid infections being just one indicator of this.

At the end of 2021/ early 2022, the UK stopped its comprehensive covid testing programme so I don't have any reliable data on that past then.

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I had a free Covid test kit sitting here for months before throwing it out unused. I was concerned about what chemicals were on the tip and their possible effect on my body if I used the test.

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They have been peddling a flu jab for decades that maybe has 10% efficiency, an HPV jab that is downright deadly so hopefully the consequence of hubris will finally catch up with them

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A useful compilation Mr L....there were so many 'lone voices' across the world citing evidence and showing the damage caused by locking up societies for months on end, and the physical and mental damag/ destruction caused by the jabs. There are millions thankful that the 'lone voices' spoke up whatever the cost to themselves. Heroes for this time and beyond. Good on you.

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Yesterday, Canadian physician, Dr. Mark Trozzi, put out this article on the many mechanisms of harm caused by the mRNA covid "vaccines"....https://www.drtrozzi.news/p/covid-injections-unveiling-the-mechanisms

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Dr Sherri Tenpenny has had such a list since 2020. She keeps adding to it.

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I am not surprised to learn that. Dr. Tenpenny is wonderful & has been sounding the alarm since the beginning. She's a national treasure.

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“. . . science should be completely objective when evaluating health risks, but can often be influenced by social and economic considerations.” That is a nice way of putting it. In the case of gain of function Covid and its ensuing malfeasance, including the jab, was totally political mafia-style greed; oust a president, profit pharma, control people, kill off the old and sick, make others ill, and future use of mRNA jabs for humans and animals. Science will never catch up to the perpetrators in time to imprison them. There will not even be any apologies since too many believe the jabs were life savers. What these studies have proved is these jabs are not Vaccines but potential killers.

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The 5th horseman of the apocalypse?

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Watched vaxxed III last night. The doctors in the hospitals disgusted me the most, not a stretch to compare to Nazi Germany. Currently it is widely recognized by the medical community that there is a 56% increase in cardiac mortality rates in young people over the past four years. So, how is Pfizer wriggling out of this since they relentlessly push shots via the media? They engage in 'Paltering' which is lying by telling the truth. I heard on the radio the increased mortality stats over the past four years for young people as reported by doctors, all true. Here is the lie by omission, they attributed possible causes to insulin resistance, obesity, and drug use, but never mentioned the 'elephant in the room' cause, the covid shots. A lot of psyche articles discuss the common practice of lies, which act as social lubricant, and most are apparently harmless, 'white lies.' But lies don't have colours, and cultivating a habit of bending reality even in little ways is very harmful. There are ways to tell the truth without being insulting. You don't have to say 'you look great in that' when the outfit is unflattering. You can say, 'I prefer the other one, or that isn't my favorite color, but if you like it that is what matters, even though it isn't my cup of tea.' I think lying to spare feelings when there are other options is a form of 'idiot compassion' a term from Buddhism.

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Thanks!!! ... For keeping on-top of this issue and following thru. With so many issues inundating the general public, it's very easy to lose sight of these travesties. We must "NEVER" forget and we must never "FORGIVE"!!!

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