Jul 5, 2023Liked by Raphael Lataster, PhD

NEW study???!! Nothing new in that. We were reporting this particular fraud since Feb 2021 when the first Israel study was released!

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Of course brilliant people like you and I knew this from the beginning :) What makes this significant, is that this is a peer-reviewed article in a mainstream academic journal.

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Jul 5, 2023Liked by Raphael Lataster, PhD

"....the brilliant and incredibly attractive author.." - very droll :)

Good article.

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The safety studies, unlike efficacy studies, I’ve seen don’t count the jabbed as unjabbed during the first two or three weeks. But they do restrict the timeframe post-jab in which attribution can be made rather stringently, which is not appropriate in my mind for a jab that hijacks the patient’s ribosomes and can even be reverse-transcribed to the DNA. Many of them also go hunting in the history of the patients with AEs for alternative causes after the fact, which is plainly biased.

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