Not very familiar with Dr Mercola, having a background in allopathic medicine, but the fake news New York Times calls him the “the chief spreader of coronavirus misinformation online”, so he’s probably good people… Apparently, they didn’t like that he “cast doubt on Covid-19 vaccines”. Source.
Mercola certainly was on point in his latest online article about the jab. He raises concerns about COVID-19 vaccines potentially causing neurodegenerative diseases, citing - shock, horror! - actual scientific evidence. Source. He further points to a recent study, Faksova et al. (which I aim to cover in time), which raises serious safety concerns about the jabs. He also brings up the 4 JECP articles published by Doshi and myself on the jabs’ effectiveness and safety likely being (heavily) exaggerated in the clinical trials and observational studies, correctly indicating that this means that things like neurodegenerative diseases (and who knows what else) are definitely on the table. Friendly reminder that these articles were peer-reviewed by fellow doctors and scientists, and were published in a proper medical journal. And as my academic stoush with Johns Hopkins medical school and Oxford University Press proves, they make a big difference to the risk-benefit analyses. Does the New York Times even keep up with the science?
Okay then.
I Wouldn’t Jump To Conclusions
About The Vaccine.
I’d Wait Until They’re All Dead
Just To Be Sure.
I stopped paying for access to the NYT when their C19 coverage set off what to me were obvious alarm bells. Then I started reading about their historic relationship with the CIA. Gadzooks! Who wants to pay to get force fed Intelligence Community propaganda?