Rachel Maddox doesn’t get the full information? Is that why she believes Hillary?

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$30m/year to lie to us, must be nice.

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Dr. Lataster, your work is excellent. Please keep on exposing the lack of methodological and statistical rigor in the purported demonstrations of vaxx safety and efficacy by the cult or religion of coerced mass vaccination salvation hysteria which masquerades as science and do all you can to keep getting your work published in the scientific and medical journals.

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As Mr. Gravity does his thing to the Hillary Clinton façade, many are commenting on the embittered troll that seems to have been occupying her architecture for who knows how long. That we were just a few votes away from this female Dick (Cheney) running the free world is like learning your missed blind date was with Ted Bundy.

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Ted Bundy was a RINO with gubernatorial ambitions. He could just as easily have been a Democrat. It is good that he was caught before he finished his law degree and progressed further in RINO politics. Had he ever become Governor of Washington State he could have used that as a stepping stone to run for President, possibly after a term or two in the Senate. The similarities between Bundy and Dick Cheney, Dubya and Hillary are striking. Right now, the free world is staring down the barrel of a potential Harris presidency. That could be like Bundy, Cheney, Dubya and Hillary on steroids.

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As the subject of Peter McCullough's Chapter 44 -- Keeping your nose clean -- I agree with your assessment. I was also asked by a friend to explain the death of his wife who died very suddenly of a cardiac problem. Her heart at autopsy was determined to have doubled in size over the previous six months with six historic jabs.

My points, which Dr. McCullough does not clearly state is that, 1. xylitol works osmotically to supply the needed water to the airway surface fluid so that the defenses are optimal, and when they are optimal respiratory infections are minimal (Arundel, PMCID 1474709)--and COVID is a respiratory infection. And 2. xylitol is a flexible 5 carbon sugar alcohol that is a safe approved natural sugar alternative--it's a food, a natural Hippocratic drug--that can easily and demonstrably in multiple laboratory tests interfere with the glycan mediated binding of the virus with us--an idea explained long ago by the microbiologist Bill Costerton ("How Bacteria Stick", Scientific American, Jan 1979).

Not only do our natural defenses prevent adherence when optimal, the xylitol providing that condition further prevent the adherence of the virus. Add 5 grams (a teaspoon) of xylitol to 45 mls of a saline nasal spray and use at least four times a day to be optimal. If your environmental humidity is greater than 50% you're already there.

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Killary & Madow .. which is the butch ?

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