Springer Nature medical journal Cureus, who have published some good stuff on COVID-19 lately (even if they did retract Mead et al.), have just published a peer-reviewed article (Lataster & Parry) on the corruption of major medical journals, and the need for those in the science game to entertain contrarian ideas; the authors are yours truly (University of Sydney), and the always delightful Peter Parry (University of Queensland).
By their fruits ye shall know them. I figured out what you are saying in 1975. I am now 78 years old. I have no aches or pain, still work every day, and can still run.
It's always refreshing to see a synopsis with truth and humor. I hear the frustration of other scientists and researchers in trying to get documented papers published. This paper will give some hope and renewed energy to the process!
Had no idea "The Science" was a trademarked turn of phrase, unless the TM was tongue in cheek? One can't help recalling the protestations of one Anthony Fauci presenting himself as "the Science" when trying to rebuff well-founded criticism for his own unscientific pronouncements, flip-flopping, and dictates as from God on high. Your article was a long time coming as the conflicts and preposterous postulates of these bought & paid for publications were blatantly obvious to anyone who values findings derived from actual science and the scientific method that all follow from contrarian ideas being given their due consideration. Thank you!
Thank you Dr. Malone, for helping to creatively ease the truth into the eyes of the public. That is the best strategy moving forward. Peel back the onion one layer at a time.
the Bee usually reveals more true items than the regular media. Yesterday I read an article in a Belgian news feed, that blamed Trump for the emptying schools in Chicago. This morning I was going to send them some articles to wake them up - but they had already retracted the article. Journalists are not doing their jobs anymore, they are more like parrots. It is up to doctors, lawyers, engineers and common people to dig out the truth !
Nothing new! There was a research study by physicians 20 years ago that documented that 80% of the studies submitted to medical journals were not rigorous! FDA needs to be taken down to the studs. It is reported that Purdue Fredricks had private meetings with the head of the FDA and wined and dined him. Then he agreed to allow PF to publish the deadly lies that oxycontin was not addictive. In turn we lost 600,000 Americans. When caught in the lie, PD got the DOJ to believe that distributors and drug chains were just a culpable. Result: 33 billion fines were garnered against the distributors and the drug chains. PD is now settling for 7.8 billion. They reversed the culpability and are getting off cheap. The gate keeper (FDA) that is suppose to protect us from harm of drugs sold out. The FDA needs to sanitized! The distributors and the drug chains are now at risk of dissolution and this case law must be reversed.
When I read comments like yours with facts and figures, I feel so frustrated that so many don't know and don't care. I can't imagine what A.M.D. goes thru!
A good book on this topic is: "The Illusion of Evidence-Based Medicine: Exposing the Crisis of Credibility in Clinical Research", by Jon Jureidini & Leemon B. McHenry.
Having done clinical research in medical oncology and infectious disease for over 40 years of my medical career, the current system is controlled by BIG PHARMA, Medical Academia and NIH with the medical journal editorial boards populated by Big Pharma and NIH grant funded cronies. From a medical research perspective, this is completely analogous to the actions of our federal government's "Deep State". If we desire true honest medical academic freedom, we must dissolve this "Medical Deep State" or nothing will change.
When the COVID hype began I read the medical press (BMJ and the Lancet) to decide if I should take the vaccine (I didn't). Initially, I came across dissenting opinions which gave both sides of the story. After a few months the dissenting voices were silenced, and It was this, more than anything else, which gave rise to my suspicions and led to my initiation as a full blown conspiracy theorist
So glad for you, good job! Somehow, we survived the worst pandemic known to mankind... And now we can get up every morning not worried about what the mystery juice flowing through our veins is going to do :)
Dr. Malone, do you think that Fauci is the only one who should face prosecution? Are there others, perhaps from China or in the UN that should face prosecution?
That word science again! Have posted my views aplenty about the average physician not properly trained for scientific research, particularly bench science. But then comes the question...who is teaching science to new scientists? Back in the 60s, profs were evaluated, and promoted, on demonstrated ability to teach science, not score fed. gov. grants. Today an applicant can not even be considered for tenure track hiring without demonstrating the potential for winning fed. grants. So who is actually doing most of the teaching? Who standing before classes today has years of experience dealing with the complexities and ethical conundrums involved in scjentific scrutiny? TAs aplenty in the classrooms today but should they be?
The problem is a lack of scientific rigor and ethical standards. Scientists have become charicatures of themselves - boffins who appear clever and zany but really are just clerks in a vast enterprise run for purposes over which they have no control. Look what's happened to the CSIRO. Most of the public money spent on science is wasted on fads, while corporate money tends to corrupt the scientific process. Where are the Newtons and Pasteurs of today? I think we are deluding ourselves if we think that lots of jobs in lab coats and money for labs is going to produce lots of good science.
By their fruits ye shall know them. I figured out what you are saying in 1975. I am now 78 years old. I have no aches or pain, still work every day, and can still run.
Go to a doctor when you have an acute problem, like an accidental injury. For everything else...
Follow the money right back to BIG PHARMA every time !
Every damn time.
It's always refreshing to see a synopsis with truth and humor. I hear the frustration of other scientists and researchers in trying to get documented papers published. This paper will give some hope and renewed energy to the process!
Humour is how I cope in this messed up world!
Had no idea "The Science" was a trademarked turn of phrase, unless the TM was tongue in cheek? One can't help recalling the protestations of one Anthony Fauci presenting himself as "the Science" when trying to rebuff well-founded criticism for his own unscientific pronouncements, flip-flopping, and dictates as from God on high. Your article was a long time coming as the conflicts and preposterous postulates of these bought & paid for publications were blatantly obvious to anyone who values findings derived from actual science and the scientific method that all follow from contrarian ideas being given their due consideration. Thank you!
Thank you Dr. Malone, for helping to creatively ease the truth into the eyes of the public. That is the best strategy moving forward. Peel back the onion one layer at a time.
Did Dr Malone mention this one perchance?
Yes, he cross-posted this post.
Thank you.
You surely must mean Dr. Lataster?!
This headline could be a Monty Python sketch or even Babylon Bee! This world is upside down.
the Bee usually reveals more true items than the regular media. Yesterday I read an article in a Belgian news feed, that blamed Trump for the emptying schools in Chicago. This morning I was going to send them some articles to wake them up - but they had already retracted the article. Journalists are not doing their jobs anymore, they are more like parrots. It is up to doctors, lawyers, engineers and common people to dig out the truth !
Ah yes, while they retracted the article, it was already seen by low information people, shaping their opinions. It’s all a game.
Hmm. We seem to have a common theme going on today I just got a substack by Jessica Rose who has had a paper rejected by Cureus. She just cross posted Anandamide who cross posted Maryanne Demasi https://anandamide.substack.com/p/medical-journals-as-gatekeepers https://blog.maryannedemasi.com/p/medical-journals-as-gatekeepers-a
She had one retracted by Cureus, too. Mead et al. I had to walk on eggshells. Notice how it isn't about COVID per se.
The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.
Wow thank-you for being a truth warrior, we the public are indebted!
Nothing new! There was a research study by physicians 20 years ago that documented that 80% of the studies submitted to medical journals were not rigorous! FDA needs to be taken down to the studs. It is reported that Purdue Fredricks had private meetings with the head of the FDA and wined and dined him. Then he agreed to allow PF to publish the deadly lies that oxycontin was not addictive. In turn we lost 600,000 Americans. When caught in the lie, PD got the DOJ to believe that distributors and drug chains were just a culpable. Result: 33 billion fines were garnered against the distributors and the drug chains. PD is now settling for 7.8 billion. They reversed the culpability and are getting off cheap. The gate keeper (FDA) that is suppose to protect us from harm of drugs sold out. The FDA needs to sanitized! The distributors and the drug chains are now at risk of dissolution and this case law must be reversed.
When I read comments like yours with facts and figures, I feel so frustrated that so many don't know and don't care. I can't imagine what A.M.D. goes thru!
A good book on this topic is: "The Illusion of Evidence-Based Medicine: Exposing the Crisis of Credibility in Clinical Research", by Jon Jureidini & Leemon B. McHenry.
Having done clinical research in medical oncology and infectious disease for over 40 years of my medical career, the current system is controlled by BIG PHARMA, Medical Academia and NIH with the medical journal editorial boards populated by Big Pharma and NIH grant funded cronies. From a medical research perspective, this is completely analogous to the actions of our federal government's "Deep State". If we desire true honest medical academic freedom, we must dissolve this "Medical Deep State" or nothing will change.
Yes indeed, I'll have to add another 'extra' to this write-up, on how the owners of Big Pharma basically own everything else.
When the COVID hype began I read the medical press (BMJ and the Lancet) to decide if I should take the vaccine (I didn't). Initially, I came across dissenting opinions which gave both sides of the story. After a few months the dissenting voices were silenced, and It was this, more than anything else, which gave rise to my suspicions and led to my initiation as a full blown conspiracy theorist
So glad for you, good job! Somehow, we survived the worst pandemic known to mankind... And now we can get up every morning not worried about what the mystery juice flowing through our veins is going to do :)
Dr. Malone, do you think that Fauci is the only one who should face prosecution? Are there others, perhaps from China or in the UN that should face prosecution?
That word science again! Have posted my views aplenty about the average physician not properly trained for scientific research, particularly bench science. But then comes the question...who is teaching science to new scientists? Back in the 60s, profs were evaluated, and promoted, on demonstrated ability to teach science, not score fed. gov. grants. Today an applicant can not even be considered for tenure track hiring without demonstrating the potential for winning fed. grants. So who is actually doing most of the teaching? Who standing before classes today has years of experience dealing with the complexities and ethical conundrums involved in scjentific scrutiny? TAs aplenty in the classrooms today but should they be?
Try getting your average GP to look at anything other than a pill or a jab. Two of our adult children are looking to alternative medicine.
Medicine has been captured.
So has science. And they are not the same thing.
The problem is a lack of scientific rigor and ethical standards. Scientists have become charicatures of themselves - boffins who appear clever and zany but really are just clerks in a vast enterprise run for purposes over which they have no control. Look what's happened to the CSIRO. Most of the public money spent on science is wasted on fads, while corporate money tends to corrupt the scientific process. Where are the Newtons and Pasteurs of today? I think we are deluding ourselves if we think that lots of jobs in lab coats and money for labs is going to produce lots of good science.