Evidence against the necessity, efficacy, and safety of the COVID-19 vaccines continues to come in thick and fast. Our leaders continue to encourage us to take the jab, and amidst increasing concerns of jab-induced myocarditis they assure us that it is rare and mostly mild (source, source). A South Korean study (Cho et al.), again published by Oxford University Press, indicates that it can be deadly, and is a bigger problem than we were led to believe. Source.
According to the researchers, out of 44,276,704 vaccinated people, “COVID-19 VRM [vaccine-related myocarditis] was confirmed in 480 cases… severe VRM was found in 19.8% of all VRM cases”, and there were “21 deaths”. Despite assurances from our leaders that jab induced myocarditis is no big deal, an astonishing and irresponsible view for those who knew about the seriousness of myocarditis in the pre-COVID era, a large chunk are severe cases, and a large chunk of those end up in death. As for this being a rare problem, consider that: this is a jab induced myocarditis incidence rate of around 1 in 100,000 (and around 1 in 19,000 for “males between the ages of 12 and 17 years”); this does not compare favourably with the number needed to vaccinate to prevent a severe COVID hospitalisation now being in the hundreds of thousands, particularly for the young and healthy; and this assumes the jabs have any effectiveness at all, with ever more evidence that they’re actually *negatively effective*; VRM may be vastly understated here as only “Acute myocarditis developed within 42 days after COVID-19 vaccination was considered as COVID-19 VRM”, and the authors note that for 8 of the deaths, initially classified as sudden cardiac deaths, “VRM was not suspected as a clinical diagnosis or a cause of death before performing an autopsy” (furthering concerns that jab deaths are undercounted); we don’t yet know the potential impact of subclinical myocarditis; and this is only *one* of many side effects.
Okay then.
Extra: After reading this and all of our other entries so far on the jab, who is up for their 27th booster?