The fake news organisation known as MSNBC published an article criticising MAHA advocate RJK Jr on his stance against seed oils, commonly found in processed foods and cooking oils. The author is recognised health expert Professor Chris Gardner, who seems to sport some nice man boobs and a good sized gut according to his Wikipedia picture (source), and he had something to say about the older and hella buffed RJK Jr trying to draw attention to the dangers of seed oils. Despite apparently giving us “the truth” to counter RFK’s outlandish belief that “seed oils are poisoning you”, MSNBC does inform us that “dietary omega-6 [“commonly found in seed oils”] and omega-3 fats compete with each other, and the omega-3 types tend to be more anti-inflammatory”, “our bodies need more omega-3 fats than omega-6 fats”, and “there is an overwhelming body of scientific evidence confirming this family of oils [seed oils] is more healthful than harmful in moderation”. Source. Those last 2 words are so important. And even the American Heart Association wants us to chillax.* Source.
This aligns quite well with a recent medical journal article on seed oils. Publishing in a BMJ journal, Soundararajan et al. found an association between inflammatory omega-6 fatty acids and cancer. Source. Nevertheless, the researchers, the mainstream media, and the organisations tasked with keeping us healthy seem to think that we shouldn’t be too fussed because it’s only an issue if we consume too much - particularly via seed oil-containing processed foods. Source. Okay, cool, nothing to see here then, right? Well… A study published in another BMJ journal found that processed and even ultra-processed foods constitute a huge proportion of the typical American diet: “nearly three in five calories (57.9%) came from ultra-processed foods”. Also: “Unprocessed or minimally processed foods contributed 29.6% of total calories, processed foods an additional 9.4%, and processed culinary ingredients the remaining 2.9%.” Source.
Okay then.
Just one more thing. The MSNBC article hinted that too much omega-6 can get in the way of our omega-3, which we have a greater need of, with omega-3 oils - commonly found in seafood and nuts - being pretty much universally acknowledged as beneficial to our health. Returning again to a BMJ journal, one study found: “Over 95% of children and 68% of adults had LC omega-3 concentrations below those associated with the DGA [Dietary Guidelines for Americans] recommendation.” Source.
Okay then.
*Extra: Is this a good time to bring up conflicts of interest, like how a study “found that 95 % of [US 2020 dietary guidelines advisory] committee members had COI with the food and/or pharmaceutical industries and that particular actors, including Kellogg, Abbott, Kraft, Mead Johnson, General Mills, Dannon and the International Life Sciences, had connections with multiple members”? Source. And how the same few people pretty much own everything, like the pharmaceutical companies, food companies, MSM organisations, tech organisations, and the like?
Extra: Do you ever get the feeling that when they told us to avoid fat, and especially animal fat, preferring a diet rich in empty carbs, sugar, processed foods, ultra processed foods, and seed oils, that we just got sicker? More on this soon.
Raphael, if more people read your articles than read MSNBC, we'd live in a healthier and happier world.
But the foods than give us omega-3 give us vitamin D, which gives us a natural vaccine. Who wouldn't want that?
Agreed. I'd ignore Stanford professor and "director of nutrition studies" Chris Gardner who, with his wife Melissa, a political scientist, have four sons together and all follow a plant-based diet. [Also from Wikipedia]
From today's Epoch Times: