To all your questions in the last para, the answer is most likely "Yes".

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You know it. It's pretty much a rhetorical question. Of course they do. Our MO is exposing their lies, every few days...

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Imo, one of the main purposes of the Russiagate claims were to distract attention from the Pizzagate claims. The talk of Russian election interfering appeared only after Russian agents were accused of hoaxing the Podesta emails. It was so-called "internet sleuths" analysis of these leaks which spurned the Pizzagate thesis.

As it now appears that Russiagate was a heap of steaming bs, where does that leave Pizzagate?


PS I've got a report on Pizzagate on my Substack for anyone interested who hasn't seen it.

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Russiagate 'ironically' drew attention away from the actual scandal, Clinton's emails. Which we have plenty of evidence for.

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An added benefit, for sure, but there's plentiful evidence in support of the Pizzagate thesis as well. Unfortunately.

Ben Swann's attempt to discuss the evidence resulted in concerns he'd been suicided, after all his social media profiles AND all his archived video's disappeared from CBS at the same time that Swann himself disappeared. He returned some months later!

Swann describes shocking images too shocking to broadcast but you can see some of them on my Substack. Not that you'd want to...


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I listened to Ricardo Bocci (sp??), a political leader/retired military officer, from Australia, speaking of what it will take for the brainwashing (aka: mass psychosis) induced by the truly fantastic work of the msm, local to national levels. He was clear: not until MSM starts reporting the truth will the people who've been so captured start to be free. And even then, there will be a hardcore proud bunch that will hang on. I hope it's not a "hell freezes over" hopeless situation. I think not, as we are seeing signs, as slow as it seems, of massive cracks via exposure of alt media and twitter et al.

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Unlikely, they own the MSM.

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