This entry is a little different, being very personal to me/us, in more ways than one. Misinformation merchant Piers Morgan has just ‘apologised’ to the unvaccinated, as he was wrong about the whole ‘vaccine prevents transmission’ thing, among other things. However, the ‘apology’ was accompanied by an attitude that his previous demonisation of the unjabbed was justified and so is his recent change of mind “because the science changed”. Source. While the change is good progress, no Piers, you were wrong from the start. And we rational unvaccinated were right from the start. Let me briefly educate you about science, and the knowledge game in general. When evidence is scant or even non-existent the most rational position is agnosticism. When faced with a cold/flu that kills mainly the sick and elderly, and a relatively untested vaccine, the young and healthy - at least - ought to adhere to a rational unjabbed position. You might, say, want to wait around 3 years for some decent safety data to come in (heck, pholcodine took decades before it was recalled, because it, you know, kills people). And that initial hesitant position will always be right, even if evidence later emerges that the vaccine is good after all. Your position, Piers, was wrong, and it will always be wrong, even if evidence later emerges that the vaccine is good after all. Siding with tyrants and trusting greedy corporates with a pharmaceutical product that hasn’t been tested properly, and lacking in proper efficacy and safety data, was always going to be stupid, and treating the unjabbed as you did was unnecessarily cruel, even if emerging evidence apparently offers you vindication. It just seems wrong (‘wronger’?) now because the emerging evidence is very much going against the vaccine narrative. Speaking as one of (and for) the rational unjabbed, who has suffered financially, mentally, and physically for making a personal medical decision, in a liberal country, and one that was rational from the beginning, and further bolstered by ongoing evidence, with the persecution and suffering due in part to people like you, let me tell you what I/we want. It sure as hell isn’t your BS apology. We want justice, and we want money. Sugar on top: real and heartfelt apologies, with acknowledgment that we were 100% right from the beginning and you were 100% wrong. I’m involved in legal action now, against some of the people who destroyed my life, and I wouldn’t be surprised if some of my fellow unjabbed will be looking to hold you and other purveyors of fake news accountable too.
Some of you may remember a similar incident recently with the now-cancelled Scott Adams, creator of the Dilbert cartoon. [No need to get into his cancellation here, but was he so wrong for advising White people to stay away from those that apparently want them dead? And I say that as a Coloured person.] The often-wrong cartoonist eventually admitted that he was wrong about the vaccines, which again is great, but just had to add that his position was “now the weakest”, seemingly implying that the unjabbed got ‘lucky’, with his “fancy analytics” doing him in and our ‘distrust’ and ‘heuristics’ just happening to make us “clearly the winners”. Source. See above, Scott. We were not lucky. You were just stupid.
Okay then.
Extra: For those new to OTN, it may have even been the case that the risks of the jabs outweighed the benefits, from the very beginning (and from their own clinical trials).
It's infuriating that the stupid people who crowed about how decent and humane they were for rushing along in their pointless masks to get their untested injections with no safety data are now either saying "the science changed" or aren't saying anything at all. Most of the stupid people who left their elderly parents uncared for in "care" homes, let their children cower in their bedrooms and shouted abuse at food delivery people are now not talking about the last 3 years at all. They should be made to talk about it. Like Piers Morgan should be called out at every opportunity. All of them, the stupid, smug, wicked Covidians who now don't want to think about how they behaved.
And that is why it will happen to them again and again. They can’t fully accept they were wrong, so they’ll never fully learn or change.