It's infuriating that the stupid people who crowed about how decent and humane they were for rushing along in their pointless masks to get their untested injections with no safety data are now either saying "the science changed" or aren't saying anything at all. Most of the stupid people who left their elderly parents uncared for in "care" homes, let their children cower in their bedrooms and shouted abuse at food delivery people are now not talking about the last 3 years at all. They should be made to talk about it. Like Piers Morgan should be called out at every opportunity. All of them, the stupid, smug, wicked Covidians who now don't want to think about how they behaved.

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Absolutely they should be made to talk about it. Even better, they should be made to pay for it... Calm down, people, I'm talking dollars (and pounds, and euros) here!

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And that is why it will happen to them again and again. They can’t fully accept they were wrong, so they’ll never fully learn or change.

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Thank you. This one wasn't (just) about letting off some steam. It is about letting those who were wrong know that they really have to accept that they were wrong before they, and everyone else, can move forward.

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I’m sorry you have suffered as a result of this lunacy. Fortunately (?) I only suffered loss of family and friends, although Norm Chomsky didn’t think I should be able to buy food. I pray enough people wake up and there’s a mass movement to stop this- although 40% excess deaths in some age groups is regarded as normal? And the government recommends boosters down to 6 months of age. It really takes a special type of psychopath to endorse this!!!!!

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Morgan has always been suffused with his own self importance, self adulation, but not anything outward looking like empathy or compassion. His fake humility about the "science changing" is just another instance confirming his innate lack of humanity. I applaud your post, which speaks for many.

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"You were just stupid" - could be said of a whole raft of "experts" and public intellectuals who came out hard for the vaccine, despite as you correctly say, the science didn't change and was known from the get go.

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Thank you for your courage. We will never know how many relationships these group think broadcasters destroyed but they definitely killed Christmas with fear mongering in my family.

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Remember when Alex Jones destroyed Morgan's career for years? That was cool.

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Indeed. But then you would have to desperate to listen to Piers Morgan. I discount anything he says . I hated the way he treated Craig Kelly when he was trying to explain that Green policies of not managing forest caused our last bushfires. Rude man.

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This is a tough one. On the one hand, when someone apologizes it is good to recognize and accept the apology even if it is not done in complete humility or with full understanding of the impact the harms have done.

However, in the case of Mr. Morgan's apology it is undeniably obvious that it was not in complete sincerity. I viewed the YouTube clip and had trouble with a number of things he said. The whole "the science changed" is utterly lame. The science never changed. The data didn't even change. As new data was collected the analysis changed. But even so, he didn't apologize for the awful things he said of those who chose not to get vaccinated. It's like running someone over with a car and then apologizing for not stopping.

He also said that once he saw that the science had changed his position changed. So why on earth did he wait this long, wait until he was asked about it to find forward with his apology? At this late stage, it seems more like virtue signalling to me.

He says he'll be more skeptical in the future and then goes on to justify part of the reason for his vitriol towards people who didn't want the Covid jab were the crazy antivaxxers. Is it just me, or does this not sound like being skeptical?

Piers Morgan views himself as a journalist because he interviews people. What he fails to understand is that he has to ask the right questions, even the really tough ones on ALL issues.

Best case scenario: he has learned something from this and will seek to discover the truth in the future, not merely parrot the prevailing narrative...even if his apologies are left wanting.

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Well said. And still needs saying as the false narrative crumbles.

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Great piece!

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Yes, I’m bitter too.

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And the gamble rolls on…FFS!

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Oh magnanimously forgive them I will, most certainly! Once they're dangling from the trees that is

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Brilliant, fully paid up member of the Gates, fauci etc club, piers Morgan. He knew all along the so called vaccines were bio weapons . Bet he's a lot richer now though

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They'll never stick me with their garbage. 69yo, no jabs, no chronic conditions, no ailments. For good health you MUST eat what God provides for us in nature. The most processed food I eat is Adams 100% Natural Peanut Butter (only has one ingredient).

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