the “risk of dying from heart issues was three and a half times higher among young women in the first three months after a single dose of the AstraZeneca [DNA] Covid vaccine”

What other information do we need? How bad does it have to get before people come to grips with the havoc these jabs are wreaking?

Keep reporting, OTN, the word might be spreading slowly, but spread it must.

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Maybe we'll need to see people dropping dead in the street from the jab, like what didn't happen with COVID.

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I'm not sure if the difference will be the streets. Dropping dead on the football/soccer field apparently has had no effect whatsoever.

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Good post.

I think one of the biggest issues is that the various pharmacovigilance places like VAERS in the US, the Yellow-Card system in the UK, etc etc, are recording only a fraction of adverse events. For the UK's Yellow-Card system, it's said that no more than 10% of adverse reactions are recorded. For VAERS in the US, some people have claimed that it's more like 1%.

That means that if the UK Yellow-Card system registers, for example, 300 lost babies, that figure could be 3000, ten times higher. And if the US VAERS system registers 300 lost babies, that figure could really be between 3000 & 30 000, much higher.

Those who dismiss VAERS & the others because they register only reports & the reports are just reports & have not been investigated & are not actual evidence of harm rarely mention that the figures presented could be between 10 & 100 times too low.

We need to consider BOTH factors. 1) That the registered figures could be a lot lower than they actually are & 2) That the reports to pharmacovigilance are just reports & have not been investigated fully & proven genuine.

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