Awfully glad I did not have to talk you off the cliff

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I took your headline seriously for about 15 seconds and thought you had turned into Your Local Epidemiologist!

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Oh thanks for the laugh. I needed it. 😘

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My question is: With transgenderism already constantly presenting itself aggressively in the course of EVERY day, why the hell is there a need for a special day of ... "visibility"??!

And why stop at 27 boosters, when the virus will mutate many more times than that, giving infected-brain politicians perpetual opportunities to declare further emergencies that invite slime-bag pharma to fake more clinical trials to disease monger its endless line of profit-making (I mean "life saving") potions?

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As the French don't say: "Poison d'avril!"

Pinocchio, the eponymous hero of a tale that in fact preaches reality rather than morality, was saved from his asinine folly by falling off a cliff into the sea. In the end, after all his failures and travails, he, too, eventually ended up getting a prick.

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April Fool!


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So funny! Starting with 13=7 and winding up at Pfizerians 3:16, I'm still laughing. Happy April Fool's Day, or whatever you call it down under!

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As John pointed out, people are fools every day in Australia!

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Baa, baa, what's funny?

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