Nice of the HRC to finally grow a pair when there's not going to be any comeback on them. What an absolute pack of cowards.

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They're right. This should not be ignored. We need to go after all of them, every single one of them that was complicit in the tyranny.

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For sure it should not be ignored, but the HRC were silent at the time, I'm sure because they didn't want to be painted as anti-vaxxers or granny killers etc. Their job is to stand up against the things their report now highlights, but they were too weak to do it when it mattered.

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Raphael, it's the same the world over in that commissions, tribunals, courts etc exist to cover the ass of government. That's why they are created. It is their primary role and function. They will bend over backwards to deliver a predetermined outcome that favors the political masters whom they are the lackeys for.

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Key Survey Stats from the report's Short Summary:

"74% believed the greater good of the community should always be considered before individual rights"

In the UK, in 2021, 72% took a covid vaccine.

Plus c'est la même chose.

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Great to see you keeping the authorities under pressure.

Heartwarming to see them address "Barriers faced by... migrant communities and people with disability..."

Disappointing that they do not regard cardiac arrhythmia, for example, as collateral damage.

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