Good point everyone, there's a heck of a lot more in that laptop. What other charges (for Hunter and President Biden) could it lead to? 10 points for the big guy!

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According to a report I saw yesterday (sorry, it was a long day and I don't remember who reported it), part of the plea bargain for Hunter's conviction was that the prosecutor agreed that the rest of the material on the laptop could not be used in any further prosecution. The judge tried to throw out the plea bargain, but was told that he couldn't do that. Given what we know is on that laptop, the conviction was a sweetheart deal. My prediction: sentencing will be light, too.

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It's a topsy turvy world. The MSM are all congratulating themselves on how well the US justice system works. Trump has a trivial misdemeanor, beyond the statute of limitations turned into a felony, and Biden gets charged with the most trivial charge they could find. I wonder if those 50 security bods will have whatever security clearance they still have rescinded - they're all either liars or incompetent.

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Just another day in the political sewer, another diversion/smokescreen. Biden Senior is squeaky clean, but the progeny is the rotten apple, but not that rotten, just took drugs and bought a gun, another smokescreen.....always more behind the 'smoke'. The message is that THE laptop has trivial significance, nothing much on it. Move on now folks....sentence to be passed on the real 'baddy'...a Mr D Trump! "My son had an 'illness', which he has beaten ( he'd never know)..... but the Trump fella...well, there's just no excuse"....could be the words of a POTUS.

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As the old Russian proverb, incorrectly accredited to past US president Ronald Reagan, says:

" Trust, but VERIFY'

There is far too much native blind trust in mainstream media, bureaucrats and politicians (who masquerade/hide under the guise of of being called a government.)

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If You Are The Last One Left

Remember To Unplug The Theme Park.


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Hi Christine, what is also not openly discussed in the media's narrative, is that the production and distribution for use of a coronavirus vaccine ( as it's been designated) would have been illegal in the US from the START.......unless an "emergency use" declaration could be announced by the FDA which can ONLY be set in motion if ' certain statutory criteria have been met, including that there are NO ADEQUATE, APPROVED, and AVAILABLE ALTERNATIVES' ( ref: https://www.fda.gov/vaccines-blood-biologics/vaccines/emergency-use-authorization-vaccines-explained).

AS alternatives did & do exist ( ivermectin, hydroxychoroquine + others) , the claimed declaration by the FDA is clearly false. The making of such a declaration is a LIE, not accidental either.

Therefore, as the proclaimed 'emergency authorisation' was untruthful, then the consequent PRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION FOR USE OF A CORONAVIRIS VACCINE is non compliant with US law and so is ILLEGAL.

But the numerous justice systems in our society to-date have failed dismally in protecting us all from such a crime. A world crime. An ongoing crime!!

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hate to let the cat out of the bag but this is all a stage show so that the sheep think justice is served to trump and the bidens ,hunter as taken the sweet deal as the doj allowed the bigger charges they could have had him on to time lapse so he now cant be done for that ,he will see no jail as if you aint noticed the word addict keeps being mentioned therefore it will be rehabilitation for hunter the cocaine snorting kiddy fiddling prozzie humping corrupt moron

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Trump's Secret, US Army Vaccine Delivery, Pfizer Contract


Why would the US Army purchase and supply Covid vaccines for a "WHO Medical emergency", if it were not a "WHO US Army, Military Operation," instead,for $1,950,097,500.00

What was the sum paid, translated into words, as my educational ability does not stretch that far - but the US Army apparently, supplied the World, as well as "just America".

You will find Operation Warp Speed mentioned in that contract, in the 3rd paragraph down

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