We are so far away from the claims that COVID-19 vaccines stay at the injection site, only for a couple of days, and do no harm, it’s ridiculous - a new study indicates it crosses the placenta and is doing who knows what to unborn babies.
I distinctly remember being in a doctor's waiting room when the jabs were first being rolled out and seeing an ATAGI poster on the wall encouraging pregnant females to get jabbed and saying it was "safe and effective". Having read the initial Pfizer documents at the time, if my memory is correct, there was zero mention of the effects during pregnancy, and I'm sure pregnant females were specifically excluded from the trials. Skerrit et al have a lot to answer for.
I distinctly remember being in a doctor's waiting room when the jabs were first being rolled out and seeing an ATAGI poster on the wall encouraging pregnant females to get jabbed and saying it was "safe and effective". Having read the initial Pfizer documents at the time, if my memory is correct, there was zero mention of the effects during pregnancy, and I'm sure pregnant females were specifically excluded from the trials. Skerrit et al have a lot to answer for.
And, how many employees of CDC were valued, what is their titer & adverse reaction & death %'s?
My favorite parts of Covid:
We are done with modern medicine;
we’re done with these fools for doctors; and we are done with the pile of shit they dove themselves into.
Let them study that.