We are so far away from the claims that COVID-19 vaccines stay at the injection site, only for a couple of days, and do no harm, it’s ridiculous - a new study indicates it crosses the placenta and is doing who knows what to unborn babies. Adding to earlier research that “the vaccine mRNA is not localized to the injection site and can spread systemically to the placenta and umbilical cord blood”, as well as to breastmilk, Chen et al. found:
“In this study, mRNA-1273 intramuscularly given to pregnant mice rapidly circulated in maternal blood and crossed the placenta within 1 h to spread in the fetal circulation. Although spike mRNA in fetal circulation faded away within 4–6 h, it could accumulate in fetal tissues, mainly the liver and get translated into spike protein. Transplacental mRNA-1273 proved immunogenic in the fetuses, as postnatally equipped with anti-spike immunoglobulin (Ig)M, paternal allotypic anti-spike IgG2a, and heightened anti-spike cellular immunity. Gestationally administered, mRNA-1273 had a dose-dependent effect on its transplacental transfer and immunogenicity in the fetuses, with higher mRNA-1273 doses leading to increased transplacental mRNA-1273 passage and greater serum titers of endogenous anti-spike IgM/IgG generated by the fetuses.” Source. Of course they would try and put a positive spin on this, saying that “gestationally maternal mRNA-1273 vaccination might endow the newborns with not only passive but also active anti-spike immunity”, but the real ones out there will recognise that we don’t know the long-term effects or if the fetuses are even receivng appropriate doses, which is highly improbable given the unintended nature of the ‘innoculation’. And are we just going to forget that even the CDC recommendations start from 6 months and up? Source.
Never forget that the CDC (and the rest) assured us that COVID-19 vaccines stay at the injection site, only for a couple of days, and do no harm; and then quietly scrubbed their website after this was revealed to be obvious misinformation. Now we know the jab goes everywhere, can certainly do harm, and might even linger for years afterwards. By the way, that would be the same CDC whose staff responsible for vaccine recommendations have been paid by Big Pharma and Bill Gates. Source.
Okay then.
Extra: Where have basic morality and the parental survival instinct gone when the health and even lives of healthy children and grandchildren, who are at virtually zero risk from COVID-19, are risked via a highly novel and poorly understood vaccine in order to (possibly!) ‘save grandma’?
I distinctly remember being in a doctor's waiting room when the jabs were first being rolled out and seeing an ATAGI poster on the wall encouraging pregnant females to get jabbed and saying it was "safe and effective". Having read the initial Pfizer documents at the time, if my memory is correct, there was zero mention of the effects during pregnancy, and I'm sure pregnant females were specifically excluded from the trials. Skerrit et al have a lot to answer for.
My favorite parts of Covid:
We are done with modern medicine;
we’re done with these fools for doctors; and we are done with the pile of shit they dove themselves into.
Let them study that.