Early this year a study published in NEJM was discussed in jab-loving media outlets like the Washington Post and CBS News, who gleefully associated COVID-19 with cognitive decline. Source & Source. Misrepresented actually, as the authors of the study admitted that they “could not assess cognitive change” and “could not infer causality”. Source. Never let the truth get in the way of a good story, and all that.
Now a study (Weerman et al.) emerges that is more equipped to assess cognitive change over time, and they found… bupkis. The researchers conclude: “We find no evidence for a negative association between COVID-19 infection and subsequent measures of cognitive functioning. The associations found in earlier studies may at least partly reflect reverse causation.” Source.
Okay then.
All right, so we were lied to again, but surely there’s more to the story, right? You bet your sweet donkey there is! Just last month we reported on a study showing that the COVID-19 vaccines are associated with cognitive decline, including Alzheimer’s disease. Oh, and for some reason Alzheimer’s disease and dementia in general is on the rise (as is cardiovascular disease). Source & Source.
Okay then.
Extra: Anytime they tell you “yeah but COVID does that too” when it comes to jab side effects, apart from it probably being BS (their track record ain’t great), remember that the jab doesn’t stop you getting COVID… So you’re not eliminating a risk or substituting one risk for another, you’re adding risks upon risks. The jab, apparently the greatest invention in history, might even increase your chance of COVID infection, and COVID death. That’ll help us pump those rookie numbers up.
Believers in the jabs remind me of new earth creationists although they are perhaps less dogmatic.
I bet POTS/OI is the same too. Not caused by COVID, but caused by the injections.