I have no doubt that the 2020 election was stolen by masses of printed-up "mail-in" ballots delivered at 3am:


Now I want to see prosecutions for the election fraud, and an electoral system where:

- all voting is in person, with government photo ID, unless poll workers visit you in the hospital

- all ballots are hand-filled and hand-counted by members of all parties

- the totals are published and the election ended within 24 hours of election day

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But requiring ID for voters is racist, remember? Just not for the bulk of the countries out there for some reason...

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Right, that claim that ID is racist was always bullshit used to facilitate election fraud by Democrats.

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[he’s already off to a great start.] - just hope we can join them this election coming. Unfortunately, I can't see Dutton and the Libs being any different to Albo and Labor. More conscious destruction of the Australian way of life.

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Now let's see, but please don't hold your breath, if the elected members in the US government's Congress will stand by and allow Trump to enact his vision of the will of the people. Or could these members just be too entrenched, or too beholding to the real power in the US- the military industrial state, the pharmaceutical industry and of course the sociopathic manipulators amongst the obscenely wealthy; I refuse to call them "elites" because that's reserved for its French entomology meaning which is 'elected or chosen', not the modern take of "superior and rich". None of these monkeys are elite?!

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T was elected not in the least on promises for peace. so what happened? parts of Gaza are now bulldozered into attractive seaside property opportunities and parts of the ME is being blasted into smithereens. no more churches in Syria, displaced Lebanese and a so-called cease fire that is not being implemented as it was intended. all the while trying to arm wrestle Putin in getting to 'negotiate' a solution for Ukraine. where's diplomacy? who's looking for fair, peaceful solutions? sorry to say but it's not Trump and his team.

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2020 WAS stolen. Here's what I've got on it:

1- On Rumble.com: "Scientific Proof Mike Lindell". Mike's guest is a physicist who uses a graph displaying how the votes came in. Every time DJT pulled ahead a corresponding number of votes was inserted for FJB. The vertical spikes indicate dumps.

2- On TheGatewayPundit.com:

"Software Expert: Thousands of Duplicate Ballots Were Counted in Georgia 2020 Election

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