COVID vaccine serious adverse reactions far from rare, Lancet lies, gain-of-function admissions
A study published on the COVID-19 vaccines in the influential Vaccine journal (Raethke et al.) discovered a rate of serious adverse drug reactions of 0.24% for the primary series and 0.26% for boosters, approximating to 1 per 400 people. Source. Umm, that’s not ‘very rare’, or even ‘rare’. It’s common enough to get pretty worried. And again, we still don’t have long-term safety data. Could get worse. And you know what’s rarer? Serious COVID in young and healthy people. Recall that UK data indicated that the number needed to be vaccinated to prevent a severe COVID-19 hospitalisation was in the hundreds of thousands. I’m no mathemagician, but there’s a huge difference between those numbers! The revelations of the Doshi-Lataster papers makes this all even scarier, so I offered the journal a brief response to explain this to their readers, but they of course were not interested in that.
Okay then.
Another article published in a Lancet journal (Thompson) acknowledged that “although the diversion of routine immunisation resources to deliver COVID-19 vaccines saved many lives, we can now appreciate that it did so with mortality trade-offs”. Source. Some honesty for once! Like noting that lockdowns could have done more harm than good. Again, I offered the journal a brief response to explain related issues around the Doshi-Lataster papers and Raethke et al. to their readers, but they of course were not interested in that.
Okay then.
This is the same Lancet group that published a since discredited hit piece against the use of hydroxychloroquine against COVID (Lancetgate). Source. That would be the same hydroxychloroquine that science has shown actually does prevent COVID deaths. [Little side note, these major journals weren’t interested in what I had to say, but smaller open-access journals offered me the chance to publish something (gratis) at the same time, so I said ‘okay’ (source and source).] And this is the same Lancet group that published a hit piece against that old ‘conspiracy theory’, the lab leak hypothesis, featuring such authors as Peter Daszak and Christian Drosten. It wasn’t subtle either, they said they stood “together to strongly condemn conspiracy theories suggesting that COVID-19 does not have a natural origin”. Source. Of course, that ‘conspiracy theory’ has long since been declared plausible, and the article’s own authors have started to turn on it. Source. And in recent news, the New York Post has made a fuss over the NIH deputy director admitting “that US taxpayers funded gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China before the COVID-19 pandemic started”, meaning that Saint Fauci is a big (metaphorically speaking) fat liar. Source. Well, even more of a liar. Elon Musk says we should arrest and prosecute the evil little elf. Source. He inspired me to change my pronouns: prosecute/Fauci.
Okay then.
Extra: More reasons to keep fighting, and keep winning. To paraphrase the great philosopher Newman: Mark my words, Fauci, and Gates, and all the other assholes, your day of reckoning is coming, when a just wind will blow through your little play world and wipe those smug smiles off your faces. And we’ll be there, in all our glory, watching, watching as it all comes crumbling down!
I loudly applaud your efforts generally, but in particular your comments regarding "the crimes", and "the arrests" THAT MUST COME! I have followed this whole business closely since the beginning, and clearly, the world changed (I believe by careful design) at the very outset of the covid global crisis.
I will watch with great interest what We The People do to achieve "Justice". What We The People do to re-establish TRUTH, INTEGRITY as a normal part of every day life. Well done Raphael.
I have never seen a definition of rare. I constantly hear “rare, very rare” what is the ratio? Also, with very passive data collection and no diagnostic tests nobody, including the governments have a clue how many deaths and injuries have occurred. We are all mystified at the governments and MSM silence on what’s going on. Some talking head said that all the misinformation on the vaccines is causing people to avoid the vaccine and mistrust our institutions. OMG, wake up. It’s the constant lying, obfuscation and blaming our governments are spewing that’s causing the huge mistrust.