"It’s getting harder and harder to not come to the conclusion that they simply hate us."

Some actually hate, but most merely despise. It's a very human condition, this requirement to somehow justify self-interest by means of vilification.

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Indeed. Our rulers do hate us and don’t care about us or what we think. They do senseless acts and pass senseless laws. We are the proles and all we can do is rage against machine.

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I know there’s some hyperbole here to some, but I’m really coming to believe that “they” hate white, Judeo-Christian, Hetero, males and want to silence/incarcerate/destroy that demographic. Follow their actions, it’s becoming more clear daily. Now has that demographic over time committed some atrocities? Yes. Are they unique in this? No. Is ascribing characteristics/guilt to a demographic based on skin color, gender, religion, or sexual preference wrong? Absolutely. You don’t correct historic inequities by implementing more inequities. Two wrongs...

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All the freaks in the world are trying to out-freak the freaks, it would seem.

To think that I used to consider being a hermit a bad thing.

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As you surely have experienced with covid, media almost always have a political reason to frame news in a way or another one.

Since I assume you have no deep understanding of social sciences or - more in particular - of what is happening in El Salvador (am I wrong?), I'd suggest you to suspend the judgement over who is doing something "good" and who isn't.

Endorsing a narrative (pro or against this or that) based on limited data, leads to bad things. Journals that do that are just propaganda tools.

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Social science major over here... But you are right, suspending judgement is generally a good idea. This isn't so much about what is 'good' or 'bad' but about contradictions, misinformation, etc.

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Oh... I thought that given all your content, your main area of expertise was related to biology.

"This isn't so much about..."

Ok. Given that contradictions, propaganda, etc are everywhere I assumed you had a specific reason to pick this topic.

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What a strange thing to say. Read the about page. And I do have a Bachelor of Pharmacy, too...

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Well... I might be strange... I don't usually check bios (if this is the reason why you think my comment was strange): I believe that in the evaluation of "clear arguments", academic credentials mean nothing.

I followed you because I appreciated what you were writing about pandemic related topics. Though I must admit I might have been slightly positively influenced by the "PhD" you added at the end of your UID...

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