("deceased trial participants will not be contacting the researchers to describe their issues”)-

How is this not criminal fraud?

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If it were not so serious, it would be a great month python sketch.....

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You're right! I can literally picture that line being taken straight from one of their skits!

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Don't give me any ideas, we don't need a sequel to this: https://okaythennews.substack.com/p/skit-covid-19-vaccine-side-effect

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I think this is the nearest we can get.

Monty Python - Hospital Sketch


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Fraud is obtaining benefit by deception. This is more the case of tobacco companies that say smoking doesn't do you any harm. One needs to prove that smoking is harmful to get tobacco companies to stump up. And one needs to prove that jabs cause death to get jab-makers to stump up. Seems as if they're working on it.

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There's plenty of proof, Graham (or Vincent). The problem is the immense power these capitalists wield, their deceit and the immunity Congress granted them in 1986.

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It's Graham, and thanks, Diana. How long did it take to chip away at tobacco? There are oodles of ailments that get systematically "defended" by the "consent rule". The consent rule says that if, for instance, I play American-rules football, I acquiesce in a certain level of physical danger. But that does not excuse someone who causes me injury through dirty or illegal play according to the game's rules. "Immunity", as Mr Nixon found out, doesn't cover "knowingly or recklessly causing harm to another party", for that is to deny them a right of recourse for otherwise culpable conduct, other than by due process (3rd amendment, I believe). Tobacco's defence was that people smoke voluntarily, and the makers *didn't know* there was any danger. The same happened with silicosis contracted by workers handling sand, asbestosis in ship-building, and in coal-mining and so forth. And, when you look at other areas of concern (heart disease caused by excess salt and cholesterol, diabetes caused by sugar, and obesity caused by a lack of exercise), the root cause of all these ailments is the patient themselves. "Well, if you will eat candy and drink soft drinks ...," say the doctors, some of whom are on nutritional advisory boards telling government that it's appropriate for a 2-year-old child's diet to comprise 10% sugar; the same doctors who teach at universities that benefit from endowments from ... pharmaceutical companies, for example. And then you have soft drinks manufacturers pressing government to allow the purchase of their sugared drinks by low-income (and often racial minority) households using food stamps, defended by accusations against those who would seek to reduce sugar intake by the poor as "racist", since many poor are of those groups.

Well, there was one unfortunate slip by a tobacco chief executive in a Congressional hearing that admitted knowledge of the link to health problems. That one "slip" was the dam breached, and the tobacco lobby's case crumbled thereafter. So, the activists have to get the politicians on board and the politicians need to find the chink in the lobby's armour. It is by no means easy, and it takes a lot of patience. How long? Here's how long:

In the UK, uproar has erupted after a *24-year* battle to put right a huge computer failure that led to bankruptcies, destitution, lost homes, ruined marriages, criminal convictions and deaths, caused by a system installed by IT giant Fujitsu for the British Post Office, whose sole shareholder is the UK government. One man - Alan Bates - did it, with enlisted help, but he piloted this campaign for a third of his life. And now the house of cards is tumbling around the Post Office's ears. I wrote about it here: https://endlesschain.substack.com/p/i-wouldnt-trust-them-to-post-a-letter. It took a TV dramatised mini-series to get that bombshell to explode, just a few weeks ago. What it shows is that big guns can still be outgunned. If you have evidence, load the artillery.

The term "conspiracy theory" is a dismissal of accusation that is so belligerent as to invite scepticism, not of the purported theory, but much rather of the dismissal itself.

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The biggest problem afflicting the Western liberal democracies is regulatory capture. It has turned most of the mechanisms of governance that we have built up over more then the last century for promoting civil society into captured entities. At best they work poorly, at worst are literal enemies of the purpose they were created for.

I see the EU itself as a giant attempt at this. Single source corruption to prevent pesky democracy from getting in the ruling class's way.

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The test, to my mind, of how ridiculous a posit is, is to query whether it "stands to reason". When I was a boy, things didn't stand to reason if they flew in the face of received wisdom. So, I believed the world was round because, even though I'd never travelled to space to see whether it is or isn't, I'd seen photographs and read reports that convinced me that it is round. It stands to reason that the Earth is round, but, I've never seen it for myself.

At school, I conducted chemistry and physics experiments and, tested the results even, with glowing splints and such like. My schoolteachers told me these experiments proved certain properties of certain elements, and I believed them because I had no grounds to disbelieve them: they were teaching me things to help me pass exams in which my success constituted a benefit to the school itself. It stood to reason that they told me the truth.

Whether you're religious or not makes no difference to the fact that I myself have grown to harbour faith in God above. I believe in God. At one level, I have evidence, similar to that for proving the Earth is round: other people's reports, biblical stories and such like. And I have my own experiences, by which I can say my belief has been strengthened, something akin to chemistry experiments. But, I cannot say that my belief stands to reason. Because the reason that my belief stands to is predicated upon my faith, and faith is by definition unprovable. If I have faith, my belief stands to reason; and, if I have no faith, it doesn't.

So, let's look at evidence of what you posit. There may be evidence that you or I believe to be incontrovertible, that proves the veracity of what you say. Or there may be evidence that is controvertible but that merits your faith because of other events, facts, "experiments", that allow credence in the notion of falsity in certain received wisdoms. Wisdoms that are received by others, but not by you. By others, not because they are true, but because those others have an interest in their being true. And not by you because you perceive others as having an interest over and above the obvious interest of the wisdom's truth - an alternative agenda. Whether these doubts or controversies stand to reason, we cannot ever prove them to be definitively true or untrue, just as one cannot definitively prove the truth of God or otherwise. Not unless we obtain evidence that is incontrovertible one way or the other.

This is our constant problem: spin. When spin gets spun in evidence before a court of law (as opposed to outright denial), a jury or the court's bench must decide which of the two stories stands the more to reason. It can best do that by staking out its non-partisan position. But he who challenges received wisdom is party to the debate and it therefore takes a great effort for either proponent to be dispassionate in judging which is right: the received wisdom or the conspiracy theory.

As investigators of our own received wisdoms, we must remain critical and yet impartial, and that is a very difficult path to tread, because, as we do both, we must eschew band wagons. At least until such point as we can be sure that it "stands to reason" that the band wagon is right.

I wrote in this vein recently, but your remark gives me cause to revisit it, for which I thank you: https://endlesschain.substack.com/p/a-spoonful-of-sugar-helps-the-medicine

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Following COVID-19 Comirnaty (Pfizer) jab, the ninth child death, Australia, was reported on the TGA DAEN (Database of Adverse Event Notifications) website, 20.12.22. There is no current Freedom of Information document, showing the relevant batch/dose numbers.

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As jabs contain poisons/toxic substances harm and death are inevitable.


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Criminal fraud is a dead cert. Or perhaps lack of a death certificate saying 'The jab did it.' The whole things is a gigantic fraud and we only see the tip of the iceberg.

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Eco Health Alliance, USAID, the DoD and CIA are where the real crimes are buried. They ran the machinery of this plague.

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Rafael, would you mind if I shared your article with others, with specific credit to you the author? My target group are state and federal politicians, state and federal health department CEOs and some journalists. Con

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Go right ahead, that's what it is there for :)

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Didn’t need any official studies to know the vaccines weren’t safe or effective but thanks for confirming my beliefs! Who are the numpties still saying they are? They should all lose their jobs. The “scientists” who knew should go to jail!!

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Yep, many of us are far too clever, however it is very important to get stuff like this published in the proper channels. At the very least it allows us to show that there is good science out there, that our ideas aren't crazy. So everyone needs to do what they can to not only enjoy these articles but share them with whoever will listen.

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It may take years, but they WILL all go to jail. You can count on it.

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We should by now be at the point where only flat earthers believe these jabs safe and effective

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It's a bit like Russiagate, where you were the conspiracy theorist if you *didn't* believe the conspiracy theory (that President Trump colluded with the Russians to win the election) that had zero evidence going for it.

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Sad to think they outnumber the actual BEAUTIFUL BLUE ORB inhabitants.

( I fact checked the word "orb". It is still a total round 360 perfect round ball shape)

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Unlike the actual Earth, Who is a lumpy ellipsoid, constantly rumbling, flashing, spewing and blowing. Like any Living Being.

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I should have thrown in very wet and salty in most places. Not real smooth either.💦🌎

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Somewhat off topic ...

The Bad News: 80 percent of the public has an 'indoctrinated brain." The Good News: 20 percent of us can't be fooled or bullied by the mob and the propaganda.


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Have you read Dr. Michael Nehls' MD, PHD, book "The Indoctrinated Brain: ...?" It's all about granular detail on how a certain injectable reconfigures the brain to be stupified.

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I read your Sub (& subscribed) and saw that you're aware of Dr. Nehls' book. My copy, ordered from my local independent bookstore, is backordered. It looks to be full of narrative-shredding shrapnel! Thanks for writing!

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Fudged data, aka lies responsible for how much damage and death? Thank you for true science! And it's good to know that there's a university that hasn't been corrupted and/or co-opted.

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Wouldn't go that far, they half-tolerate me at best...

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Thank you. Valuable article. They ain't "safe and effective" and never have been!

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Safe from IMPUNITY.....Effective at profiting "immensely" from taxpayer .Gov checkbook.!

Depends upon if the FRAUD is ongoing. Imagine an HMO profiting from injection murder?

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"exaggerating" = LYING!

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There are definitely clear examples of outright lying, like when we were told the jabs stop transmission, even when they already knew about 'breakthrough infections'.

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The fact "they" (atleast one of the manufacturers) admitted they didn't even test for that was kind of a tell.

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Great work. These all were outside the accepted protocol. yet many vaccines follow the short safety studies, don't use true placebos, I would further guess that counting adverse events are also dubious, RSV comes to mind. More of the same from our regulators who are not doing their jobs. Yet counter measures, under prep act, exclude all of the issues. They play acted approval.

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A mass "vaccination" campaign in the middle of an epidemic is outside accepted protocol and basic vaccine science.

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So I gather. Basic vaccine science is crap anyway.

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Apparently, the CDC doesn't pay any attention to these reports. Today I received an updated report from the CDC with their ongoing concerns about how to handle the ongoing Covid 19 disease state.

Recommends the Remdesivir, Paxlovid, RNA injections and RSV has been added and all the other treatment protocols that benefit Big Pharma.

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I'm guessing they didn't mention sunshine and some of the cheap supplements shown to be effective?

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No money to be made if they speak the truth!

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Like with fasting. Numerous health benefits, but where's the money in telling people to consume less?

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Oops I i forgot, the AMA and the RACGP.

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I am curious to know if Dejan was vaccinated. This is heartbreaking. "Dejan Milojevic, the assistant coach of the Golden State Warriors, died on 17 Jan 2024 at the age of 46 after suffering a heart attack at a restaurant during a team dinner in Salt Lake City, Utah."🙏🕊

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I sure hope death records of those dying untimely, sudden, unexpected deaths show whether they were jabbed or not. It's very important to know.

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I completely agree.

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Oh LOL. You bet these are “safe and effective “. Move right along. Nothing to see here!

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Thanks so much for sharing. I still don’t understand why the COVID shots are still referred to as vaccines when the Supreme Court has proven that they are classified as bio weapons.

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Because all vaccines that ever were are weapons against the body. And strictly they are chemical weapons.

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"COMIRNATY"....Wow for just a second my mind read that word as COMASRNASTY.

Then realized that was indeed a possible side effect on someone. I'm OK now. Whew.

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Another commenter referred to Big Harma...

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COMMIENAZI would be better, but it's the thought that counts!

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Thank you for confirming what we thought was true. This is criminal in my estimation!!

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Far, far worse than criminal.

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