I only watched the last half but my take away was Trump got more time than Harris and Harris performed better talking than I expected. Maybe they gave her a drug to speed up her thinking process. Anyhow my take is anything she promised to fix will likely be reversed if she gets to be president and we will be back into more of the same sh_t that the democrats put Americans through for the last 4 years. She is a tool of the Deep State. I agree that she lied.

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I don't think the "debate" swayed any undecided voter. The moderators tried to skewer Trump, and gave Harris a free ride, as expected. Trump finished stongly.

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Hard to be swayed by a failed and flailing Dem like a Harris. The fake or biased polls will try to keep her ahead so her 'winning' in November will look like the natural and expected outcome.

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Hello Everyone,

I'm reaching out to bring light to an unprecedented legal battle with far-reaching implications for intellectual property rights, due process, and constitutional protections. In March 2021, I filed a revolutionary VR treadmill patent, US 11,577,177, which was stolen directly from the USPTO upon filing.

My name and this very patent are now listed at the top of Netflix's US Patent 11,810,254, granted on November 7, 2023, for the EXACT same technology — filed just 12 days after my initial application.


This technology is essentially the 'holy grail' of VR/AR, the metaverse, military training simulations, and virtual film production.

MattGuertin.Substack.com/p/potential-military-and-ai-applications <-- Military use cases

MattGuertin.Substack.com/p/2021-2023-building-business-and-prototype <-- Me building prototype

MattGuertin.Substack.com/p/consider-this-an-official-introduction <-- My working prototype

MattGuertin.Substack.com/p/google-steals-infiniset-name <-- Google steals my company name

The U.S. State Department, DARPA, DIA, Air Force, and multiple other defense contractors, including Lockheed Martin, Janes Defence, Forcepoint, 3Gimbals, along with many others all appear to be directly involved in the targeted destruction of my future as a whole due to the vast implications my patent holds in military training simulations.


The Hennepin County District Court is currently depriving me of due process and constitutional rights through a blatantly false determination of incompetency, with the clear goal of 'disappearing' me into a mental institution under the guise of being 'psychotic.' The enormous financial stakes tied to my stolen patent and the court's unprecedented actions demand broader attention.

I urgently need support to expose these unconstitutional actions and bring justice to my case, which could set a dangerous precedent if left unchecked. The integrity of our legal system, the protection of intellectual property, and my future itself are all at great risk currently.

MN Federal District Civil Rights Case -


8th Circuit Court of Appeals Case -


My Substack -


My Personal Portfolio Page -


My completely compromised defense attorney 'CLR Bruce Rivers' whom I've known for over twenty years -


is either being paid off / threatened / highly incentivized, but he REFUSES to withdrawal from my case despite multiple direct requests, being named as defendant in my federal lawsuit, a pro se filed 'motion for substitute counsel', and a HUGE list of 'issues' overall which prove he is not working on my behalf at all - he will not even take any of the actions I have suggested such as a neutral examiner, a competency hearing, etc.

MattGuertin.Substack.com/p/clr-bruce-rivers <--- Defense attorney is working against me


Here is my second to last filing into my MN Federal District case which is rather profound as the defendants and the court MUST address this point to maintain any sort of credibility as I have irrefutably 'trapped' ALL of the defendants with ZERO DEFENSE OF MY FRAUDULENT DISCOVERY CLAIM AGAINST THE COURT ITSELF


^^^ "The situation you have constructed is effectively a 'checkmate' in legal strategy" ^^^

If anyone can help bring more attention to this case (blog post, independent media coverage, videos, etc) or offer legal assistance (amicus curiae briefs, civil rights, or criminal defense support), it could make a significant difference.

Thanks for reading, and sorry for interrupting the comment section with unrelated content but I am very worried about what is taking place for obvious reasons.

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Sophistry is Harris's speaking style.

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