While you’re enjoying your Christmas and New Year’s break, spare a thought for those of us that have suffered from the COVID-19 vaccines and COVID-19 vaccine mandates.
Thankyou for telling this story. I hope this young man and his family are OK. It hurt me to read this because it is exactly why my family chose poverty and persecution. We knew, from experience, that there would be little help and a lot of gaslighting. That it is this bad now is appalling. The improper use of PCR and Remdesivir still happening is a shameful disgrace on the medical profession. To continue to behave this way, after so much information has become common knowledge, just to keep their jobs is disgusting. Most quacks, tga, aahpra, ama, govt are all grubs.
The HOOLE family along with thousands of Australians were scammed by politicians of all shades.
Dr Richard Bartlett devised a CURE for Covid c March, 2020, months before the Big Pharma and Pfizer rollouts. His methodology used Chloromycetin (a safe drug used by asthmatics around the world for many years) + aspirin (to stop blood clots) zinc ( a curative) and an antibiotic to stop secondary infection (influenza)
None of his patients (+ hospitals and doctors using the Bartlett method) suffered myocarditis; pericarditis, blood clots, birth defects or DEATH.
About July 2020, by way of email, I advised all Federal MPs; Senators; State Premiers and all Chiefs of Staff; certain major Universities and Professors of Infectious Disease; AMA ; all Australian Coroners, All Qld State MPs; Media etc etc.
ANSWER. The Guardian Newspaper and the Centre for Public Integrity (Sydney based retired Judges and Barristers ) obtained irrefutable evidence of the MILLIONS of dollars paid by Pfizer and others to Australia's three main political parties by way of lobbying - commonly known in USA and other countries as BRIBES. Although the Halls of Power changed hands, neither side will blame the other for their lack of care for Australians' health. The "Pot can't call the kettle black" and thus any attempt by honest politicians to hold a ROYAL COMMISSION is refused and brushed under the corruption carpet.
Those in the Media have to obey their Masters after it was reported that Bill Gates poured millions into the media barons' pockets and purchased millions of shares in Pharma drug companies. If you want the "evidence" follow the money.
Much more has been published on a regular basis over the last four years but none of it in the Australian media.
Read about the brave attempt by a courageous woman JACKSON to expose her employers fraud and that of Pfizer To the American FDA and her sacking from work the same day
Read about the work of volunteers over 3 years to expose Pfizer. Google "beyondthecon.com."
Google details of the FIVE (5) American States that have commenced legal action against Pfizer for fraudulent practise and the thousands of civil cases listed in American courts
The facts are available on reliable web sites for those who want Truth.
Corruption appears to run deep in Australia and JUSTICE but a byword.
Who will clean out the nest. God save Australia. Politicians wont.
HBOT was being used already in the USA late 2019 through 2020 with success of 90% in unrandomized trial. The FDA denied it's use under an EUA application. The American Association of Public Health Schools did a pandemic flu response plan paper in 2007. Did not ever mention HBOT despite its successful use in 2018. Fauci did a paper with two others on the 1918 Pandemic and the conclusion was most all died of bacterial, not a viral, pneumonia. The Chinese admitted they ever isolated any Covid-19,virus but gave us a suspect genomic sequence used to create a "WarpSpeed" genetic theraphy modRNA. Murderers, on a global scale. Eugenics writ large.
From your keyboard to God’s ear, mate, or at least to the minds of the millions of our fellow countrymen and women who remain deluded, bemused and indifferent.
If the mob seeks justice for a moderately transphobic tweet made by a celebrity 15 years ago, they can seek justice for the many harms done by the scamdemic.
I remain grateful to this day that I managed to persuade my kids to avoid these clot shots … despite my wife’s wishes to the contrary. I cannot imagine the rage I would feel were I in this man’s shoes confronted with the response from the medical bureaucracy, these cowardly, corrupt, arrogant and callous bureaucrats … I would be hard pressed not to go on a vigilante spree under the circumstances.
Yet another harrowing story, like so many I hear at Forest of the Fallen. Last Saturday I met someone who had two injections in 2021. He believed he was now safe from any adverse reaction. Unfortunately it was not so. His company wanted an annual health test done on all staff, and this was when this person was told his heart was badly damaged, with a strong likelihood of a serious heart attack. He had recently felt ‘unfit’ but had no other indications. Another young person who had no need to take this experimental injection.
"Assessment of Myocardial ¹⁸F-FDG uptake at PET/CT in Asymptomatic SARS-COV-2 vaccinated and Nonvaccinated Patients (Published Journal Radiology Sept. 2023)
T. Nakahara, Y. Iwabuchi, et. Al
Measured ¹⁸F-FDG uptake with PET scans. (positron emission tomography (PET)
Study shows myocardial damages with uptake.
Included 303 nonvaxxed and 700 vaxxed.
Vaxxed had overall higher myocardial FDG uptake compared to nonvaxxed.
The uptake was observed in patients imaged in four date ranges. 1-30 days, 31-60 days. 61-120 days and 121-180 days after second vaccination, with increased ipsilateral axillary uptake in vaccinated vs. nonvaccinated patients.
Editor Emeritus, Dr. Bluemke in editorial noted "The main results...for asymptomatic patients vaccinated for COVID-19 before PET had about a 40% greater radiotracer activity in the myocardium than unvaccinated individuals. (Statistically) The P value was low, less than .0001, translated to only one time out of 10,000 would these results occur by chance."
This is suggesting that mild myocardial inflammation could be more common than expected. F-FDG uptake was higher in all vaccinated quartiles with age adjustments. Further, the myocardial SUVmax (g/ml) does not recover with time and was even above the level on the unvaccinated in the 40 patients who only received one dose. "
Original ResearchFree Access.
Damaged hearts found in the jabbed in ALL AGE GROUPS with no outward signs...but believe you won't get sick, won't be hospitalized, and won't die. Yeah right. Lies MSM and Biden and Trump and the CDC told them. And ditto for the misleaders,liars, like Jacinda in NZ and Scott in Australia. The "science" now says you have cardiac damage. Some say now those jabbed can see a life span reduction.
Thank you for sharing this heartbreaking story. I am praying for this wonderful family. It is so shameful how this family has been treated. It sickens me that this awful vaccine was developed in MY country here in America. I hope that those responsible will one day be held accountable for this.. in America and Australia and elsewhere. This I know... They (and all of us for that matter) will one day have to stand before a HOLY GOD to explain what we have done in this life.
We have neighbours, one of whom had a sudden health issue following a Covid mRNA injection. The husband, a recently retired dentist, suddenly lost his memory and ability to string a sentence together soon after the jab. He is a recently retired dentist, age around 65, I guess.
Whilst it was not prudent to suggest mRNA caused the issue, we suspected this was the case. The wife, a semi-retired lawyer, has a brother who is a senior orthopaedic surgeon. He told Sheila that he suspects that Martin probably caught Covid and Flu simultaneously.
It seems all who believed in the DEATH SHOT deliberately ignore reality and are incapable of questioning the reality of their choice to participate in the world's largest Cull by injection!
During a visit soon after Martin's health issue, we tried to behave as though nothing was amiss, but Martin could still not remember how to converse. I chatted with him about his recent retirement decision and asked him what he was doing each day. He tried to tell me he would tidy the garden and collect the eggs from the chicken coop! Unbelievably, Martin could not even remember the word for the "things that chickens lay"!
We haven't seen them for a few months and maybe they're 'laying low because they don't want to consider that a 'vaccine' could have destroyed Martin's life permanently.
They know that our family have all refused the Death Shot and we have had no serious health issues following the deliberate creation and release of Covid and the DEADLY CURE called Vax!
Why didn't supposedly well-educated and intelligent folks investigate before taking part in a medical experiment which now seems to have been a deliberate DEPOPULATION Plan? Particularly, when it was widely known the Death Shot manufacturers still deny any LIABILITY.
Unjabbed Mick (UK) We'lllive longer without DEADLY injections from unscrupulous medics!
Yes, I agree. I’m amazed that highly educated people who are in the category of ‘genius’ that I know didn’t do any research at all. How can that be? Are you really a genius if you’re not slightly suspicious of what was going on during the pandemic. People who state that the government lie about the environment and lie about lot’s of other issues, but didn’t question at all about any of the interventions during the pandemic. I just don’t get it.
This is heart breaking. I don't know how this father can remain so calm. Yes, his son's life was stolen. This poor kid. These monsters wont stop until they are stopped. If every doctor had stood up like Dr Bay, ultra corrupt AHPRA couldn't have fired them all. Evil cowards, they all belong in jail. We need class actions against all doctors who trotted to this evil tune. And every person in AHPRA and TGA management need to be put in jail for the rest of their miserable, evil lives.
mmmm..... not so sure about that here in Australia.
In Australia staff must be up-to-date with boosters to have a position in any clinical setting.
I actually don't believe these doctors "lie" to their patient's faces - or otherwise; reason being, there may be few "awake" strays, still getting vaxed to keep a roof over their head, but I very much doubt the well informed / educated thinkers are still working there, being frighteningly aware of their own risk to life with mRNA injections.
As intelligent outliers left long ago, or had licenses revoked, the remainders SUFFER from stodgy "Group Think"...... remainders trot along in the familiar ruts of their lives.
It would not possibly occur to the UNthinking remainders to question ANY directives.
The ethical, philosophical, scientific critical thinkers are long gone, reseaching and publishing; warning anyone who cares to listen. The ethical thinkers erred with caution. "First, do no harm" was taken seriously by these people. Their attempts to warn fell on deaf bureaucratic ears, and continues to do so.
Doctors have excellent memories and are skilled in permforming their duties - but don't confuse that with intelligent thought processes. Most in hospitals, don't think; they merely "do" - they are skilled process workers, each, working within their perameters.
This group are historically, NOT challengers of the status quo.
They go along to get along.
Just like many other folk, their security is the utmost order of their day. Like many other ordinary people, they too have mortgages and children in private schools and a lifestyle to support; they go along to pay their bills, just as many other people did in the workforce.
Few had the strenght of character to walk away from their ten, twenty year positions, to raise red flags for the general public. Some attmpted to keep their practices going, to adeptly work within the guidelines, but were hounded down, their clinics shut and licenses revoked.
Medicine is a kind of "Simon Says Syndrome". The majority through-out the vast echelon, will do exactly as directed by their superiors — rarely will questions ever be asked.
Think Nuremberg trials "I was just following orders"..... well, not much has changed, save the minority who left to create awareness for the public well being.
Given this far down the track, with vial contents known, accrued data from the fallout of the vaccine over the last three years, those remaining keep their blinkers firmly superglued. They don't know what they don't know.
Remaining doctors and paramedics, don't see the now well documented evidence, to the complete contrary of "Safe and Effective"; their heads remain firmly in the sand, while still claiming to be "evidence based".
You Danielle, and all the rest of us who have chosen to swallow the bitter pill of truth could all weep.
Those traipsing the former hallowed halls of hospitals are NOT the critical thinkers of medicine. They do not question. They are not informed of anything outside their bubble. The critical thinkers are long gone, forming many adjunct cohorts willing to question, research, publish and warn.
Sadly, those remaining in the allopathic workforce are deluded individuals.
They believe THEY know best - despite their lack of enquiry or investigation.
Around 140,000 COVID VACCINE Adverse events reported to TGA ATM
Here is a HHS study that comes to the conclusion less than 1% of all vaccine adverse events are reported to the relevant authority - that in Australia being the TGA
“Adverse events from drugs and vaccines are common, but underreported. Although 25% of ambulatory patients experience an adverse drug event, less than 0.3% of all adverse drug events and 1-13% of serious events are reported to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Likewise, fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported. Low reporting rates preclude or slow the identification of “problem” drugs and vaccines that endanger public health”
After some searching I found that TGA must stand for Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration. Americans and English speakers from other countries don't necessarily know.
" Dr William Bay’s Landmark Victory in Queensland Court: What It Means for Medical Freedom "
At last justice has set the truth free .....
I wish to highlight the recent QLD Supreme Court decision that reinstated Dr Bay's medical registration after AHPRA deregistered him for speaking openly about the Coronavirus vaccine narrative where he described it as dangerous.
The court transcript describes the judges assessment of AHPRA's conduct as "The court ruled that the suspension of Dr. Bay’s license, as well as subsequent investigations and referrals to the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal, were invalid. It also ordered the Medical Board and AHPRA to cover Bay’s legal costs."
I have BCC emailed it to fifty others, hope you do too. And please do your own research. Thank you.
The few brave whistleblowers were so effectively silenced (nay, destroyed!), that the opportunity for health care professionals to speak out in unison was missed.
Pfizer & other pHARMa Groups put out/updated it's SDS (product Safety Data Sheet) in 2020>21. The So-called 'Data' results was filled with; 'No data available'. 'No information currently available'. 'Testing data incomplete' etc. So informative, I could have used it as a Flyscreen! (THIS is what passes for 'Safe & Effective', when Not the company Producing this BioLogical Crap, Not the 'Dogs of Watch' [TGA], Not the MediKill fraternity, Not the Heads of Governance Have a Clue on Apparent 'Negative Outcomes' - But 'Push it' Anyway! It can only mean 'A Definitive program OF Foreign actors Gain'! BUT; THEY ALL 'KNOW', IT WAS A SHAM - BEFORE, STILL 'PUSHING IT'!!
To Cite; From Pfizer themselves; ATTACHMENT A.
Important Information for Health Providers and Consumers. Underlined.( ALL capitals are the Pfizer's own!)
Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine COMIRNITY BNT162b2.
* This vaccine is new and experimental and has not been fully validated for safety or efficacy.
* This vaccine has not been safety- tested for medium term or long term side-effects.
* This vaccine has not been tested for genetic impacts.
* If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, immune compromised, otherwise ill, frail, taking other medications, or an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, you should not take this vaccine.
* This vaccine may not prevent infection or give lasting protection from infection.
* This vaccine may not prevent viral transmission.
* This vaccine will not reduce symptoms.
* Before taking this vaccine, you should carefully weigh the risks and benefits against the risks associated with infection, including mortality and morbidity data.
* You should carefully consider whether this vaccine is right for you in all circumstances.
Note; So The Above, IS 'Informed Consent, BY the System!?
Next; W.A. Government- Dept of Premier and Cabinet. (McGowan & Cook) - WA.gov.au Home page.
Public Health Act 2016 (WA)- Instrument of Authorisation- Authorisation to Supply or Administer a 'POISON' [SARS-COV-2(COVID-19) VACCINE-Australian Defence Force](No.2) 2021
Published; 10 March 2021.
Note; Pfizer BioNTech Pharma 'Products', joined by FOSUN, Chinese Conglomerate (Asia Pacific).
Worth losing My FIFO job of over 10 Years, in the Resources Sector- Even after showing Management/'Health and Safety' ALL of the Conflicted - OR/AND Lack of Safety Data?= YOU BET! Apparently 'Inclusiveness and Diversity'- ARE 'Selective'!
100% the vaccine is responsible. 🙏 for a positive outcome and justice for the Hoole Family.
We have a corporate government run by a criminal cartel. I wish for the judge presiding over Dr McCanns case to receive an Ebenezer Scrooge transformation.
Thankyou for telling this story. I hope this young man and his family are OK. It hurt me to read this because it is exactly why my family chose poverty and persecution. We knew, from experience, that there would be little help and a lot of gaslighting. That it is this bad now is appalling. The improper use of PCR and Remdesivir still happening is a shameful disgrace on the medical profession. To continue to behave this way, after so much information has become common knowledge, just to keep their jobs is disgusting. Most quacks, tga, aahpra, ama, govt are all grubs.
Very much damned if you do, damned if you don't. But not a single one of us remaining unjabbed regrets it.
The HOOLE family along with thousands of Australians were scammed by politicians of all shades.
Dr Richard Bartlett devised a CURE for Covid c March, 2020, months before the Big Pharma and Pfizer rollouts. His methodology used Chloromycetin (a safe drug used by asthmatics around the world for many years) + aspirin (to stop blood clots) zinc ( a curative) and an antibiotic to stop secondary infection (influenza)
None of his patients (+ hospitals and doctors using the Bartlett method) suffered myocarditis; pericarditis, blood clots, birth defects or DEATH.
About July 2020, by way of email, I advised all Federal MPs; Senators; State Premiers and all Chiefs of Staff; certain major Universities and Professors of Infectious Disease; AMA ; all Australian Coroners, All Qld State MPs; Media etc etc.
ANSWER. The Guardian Newspaper and the Centre for Public Integrity (Sydney based retired Judges and Barristers ) obtained irrefutable evidence of the MILLIONS of dollars paid by Pfizer and others to Australia's three main political parties by way of lobbying - commonly known in USA and other countries as BRIBES. Although the Halls of Power changed hands, neither side will blame the other for their lack of care for Australians' health. The "Pot can't call the kettle black" and thus any attempt by honest politicians to hold a ROYAL COMMISSION is refused and brushed under the corruption carpet.
Those in the Media have to obey their Masters after it was reported that Bill Gates poured millions into the media barons' pockets and purchased millions of shares in Pharma drug companies. If you want the "evidence" follow the money.
Much more has been published on a regular basis over the last four years but none of it in the Australian media.
Read about the brave attempt by a courageous woman JACKSON to expose her employers fraud and that of Pfizer To the American FDA and her sacking from work the same day
Read about the work of volunteers over 3 years to expose Pfizer. Google "beyondthecon.com."
Google details of the FIVE (5) American States that have commenced legal action against Pfizer for fraudulent practise and the thousands of civil cases listed in American courts
The facts are available on reliable web sites for those who want Truth.
Corruption appears to run deep in Australia and JUSTICE but a byword.
Who will clean out the nest. God save Australia. Politicians wont.
Thomas J Mahon JP Bcs.
HBOT was being used already in the USA late 2019 through 2020 with success of 90% in unrandomized trial. The FDA denied it's use under an EUA application. The American Association of Public Health Schools did a pandemic flu response plan paper in 2007. Did not ever mention HBOT despite its successful use in 2018. Fauci did a paper with two others on the 1918 Pandemic and the conclusion was most all died of bacterial, not a viral, pneumonia. The Chinese admitted they ever isolated any Covid-19,virus but gave us a suspect genomic sequence used to create a "WarpSpeed" genetic theraphy modRNA. Murderers, on a global scale. Eugenics writ large.
Yes. I believe Mr Hoole misspoke. It was NEVER misfeasance, but MALFEASANCE.
No mistake.
From your keyboard to God’s ear, mate, or at least to the minds of the millions of our fellow countrymen and women who remain deluded, bemused and indifferent.
Never forget.
Never give in.
Never forgive.
Take no prisoners.
If the mob seeks justice for a moderately transphobic tweet made by a celebrity 15 years ago, they can seek justice for the many harms done by the scamdemic.
I remain grateful to this day that I managed to persuade my kids to avoid these clot shots … despite my wife’s wishes to the contrary. I cannot imagine the rage I would feel were I in this man’s shoes confronted with the response from the medical bureaucracy, these cowardly, corrupt, arrogant and callous bureaucrats … I would be hard pressed not to go on a vigilante spree under the circumstances.
Yet another harrowing story, like so many I hear at Forest of the Fallen. Last Saturday I met someone who had two injections in 2021. He believed he was now safe from any adverse reaction. Unfortunately it was not so. His company wanted an annual health test done on all staff, and this was when this person was told his heart was badly damaged, with a strong likelihood of a serious heart attack. He had recently felt ‘unfit’ but had no other indications. Another young person who had no need to take this experimental injection.
"Assessment of Myocardial ¹⁸F-FDG uptake at PET/CT in Asymptomatic SARS-COV-2 vaccinated and Nonvaccinated Patients (Published Journal Radiology Sept. 2023)
T. Nakahara, Y. Iwabuchi, et. Al
Measured ¹⁸F-FDG uptake with PET scans. (positron emission tomography (PET)
Study shows myocardial damages with uptake.
Included 303 nonvaxxed and 700 vaxxed.
Vaxxed had overall higher myocardial FDG uptake compared to nonvaxxed.
The uptake was observed in patients imaged in four date ranges. 1-30 days, 31-60 days. 61-120 days and 121-180 days after second vaccination, with increased ipsilateral axillary uptake in vaccinated vs. nonvaccinated patients.
Editor Emeritus, Dr. Bluemke in editorial noted "The main results...for asymptomatic patients vaccinated for COVID-19 before PET had about a 40% greater radiotracer activity in the myocardium than unvaccinated individuals. (Statistically) The P value was low, less than .0001, translated to only one time out of 10,000 would these results occur by chance."
This is suggesting that mild myocardial inflammation could be more common than expected. F-FDG uptake was higher in all vaccinated quartiles with age adjustments. Further, the myocardial SUVmax (g/ml) does not recover with time and was even above the level on the unvaccinated in the 40 patients who only received one dose. "
Original ResearchFree Access.
Damaged hearts found in the jabbed in ALL AGE GROUPS with no outward signs...but believe you won't get sick, won't be hospitalized, and won't die. Yeah right. Lies MSM and Biden and Trump and the CDC told them. And ditto for the misleaders,liars, like Jacinda in NZ and Scott in Australia. The "science" now says you have cardiac damage. Some say now those jabbed can see a life span reduction.
More about Heart Damage from Jabs
Thank you for sharing this heartbreaking story. I am praying for this wonderful family. It is so shameful how this family has been treated. It sickens me that this awful vaccine was developed in MY country here in America. I hope that those responsible will one day be held accountable for this.. in America and Australia and elsewhere. This I know... They (and all of us for that matter) will one day have to stand before a HOLY GOD to explain what we have done in this life.
We have neighbours, one of whom had a sudden health issue following a Covid mRNA injection. The husband, a recently retired dentist, suddenly lost his memory and ability to string a sentence together soon after the jab. He is a recently retired dentist, age around 65, I guess.
Whilst it was not prudent to suggest mRNA caused the issue, we suspected this was the case. The wife, a semi-retired lawyer, has a brother who is a senior orthopaedic surgeon. He told Sheila that he suspects that Martin probably caught Covid and Flu simultaneously.
It seems all who believed in the DEATH SHOT deliberately ignore reality and are incapable of questioning the reality of their choice to participate in the world's largest Cull by injection!
During a visit soon after Martin's health issue, we tried to behave as though nothing was amiss, but Martin could still not remember how to converse. I chatted with him about his recent retirement decision and asked him what he was doing each day. He tried to tell me he would tidy the garden and collect the eggs from the chicken coop! Unbelievably, Martin could not even remember the word for the "things that chickens lay"!
We haven't seen them for a few months and maybe they're 'laying low because they don't want to consider that a 'vaccine' could have destroyed Martin's life permanently.
They know that our family have all refused the Death Shot and we have had no serious health issues following the deliberate creation and release of Covid and the DEADLY CURE called Vax!
Why didn't supposedly well-educated and intelligent folks investigate before taking part in a medical experiment which now seems to have been a deliberate DEPOPULATION Plan? Particularly, when it was widely known the Death Shot manufacturers still deny any LIABILITY.
Unjabbed Mick (UK) We'lllive longer without DEADLY injections from unscrupulous medics!
Yes, I agree. I’m amazed that highly educated people who are in the category of ‘genius’ that I know didn’t do any research at all. How can that be? Are you really a genius if you’re not slightly suspicious of what was going on during the pandemic. People who state that the government lie about the environment and lie about lot’s of other issues, but didn’t question at all about any of the interventions during the pandemic. I just don’t get it.
A mystery that defies logic! Season's Greetings. Unjabbed Mick (UK).
This is heart breaking. I don't know how this father can remain so calm. Yes, his son's life was stolen. This poor kid. These monsters wont stop until they are stopped. If every doctor had stood up like Dr Bay, ultra corrupt AHPRA couldn't have fired them all. Evil cowards, they all belong in jail. We need class actions against all doctors who trotted to this evil tune. And every person in AHPRA and TGA management need to be put in jail for the rest of their miserable, evil lives.
The doctors are the ones I am most disappointed in. They know, yet they still, to this day, sit there and lie to patients’ faces.
mmmm..... not so sure about that here in Australia.
In Australia staff must be up-to-date with boosters to have a position in any clinical setting.
I actually don't believe these doctors "lie" to their patient's faces - or otherwise; reason being, there may be few "awake" strays, still getting vaxed to keep a roof over their head, but I very much doubt the well informed / educated thinkers are still working there, being frighteningly aware of their own risk to life with mRNA injections.
As intelligent outliers left long ago, or had licenses revoked, the remainders SUFFER from stodgy "Group Think"...... remainders trot along in the familiar ruts of their lives.
It would not possibly occur to the UNthinking remainders to question ANY directives.
The ethical, philosophical, scientific critical thinkers are long gone, reseaching and publishing; warning anyone who cares to listen. The ethical thinkers erred with caution. "First, do no harm" was taken seriously by these people. Their attempts to warn fell on deaf bureaucratic ears, and continues to do so.
Doctors have excellent memories and are skilled in permforming their duties - but don't confuse that with intelligent thought processes. Most in hospitals, don't think; they merely "do" - they are skilled process workers, each, working within their perameters.
This group are historically, NOT challengers of the status quo.
They go along to get along.
Just like many other folk, their security is the utmost order of their day. Like many other ordinary people, they too have mortgages and children in private schools and a lifestyle to support; they go along to pay their bills, just as many other people did in the workforce.
Few had the strenght of character to walk away from their ten, twenty year positions, to raise red flags for the general public. Some attmpted to keep their practices going, to adeptly work within the guidelines, but were hounded down, their clinics shut and licenses revoked.
Medicine is a kind of "Simon Says Syndrome". The majority through-out the vast echelon, will do exactly as directed by their superiors — rarely will questions ever be asked.
Think Nuremberg trials "I was just following orders"..... well, not much has changed, save the minority who left to create awareness for the public well being.
Given this far down the track, with vial contents known, accrued data from the fallout of the vaccine over the last three years, those remaining keep their blinkers firmly superglued. They don't know what they don't know.
Remaining doctors and paramedics, don't see the now well documented evidence, to the complete contrary of "Safe and Effective"; their heads remain firmly in the sand, while still claiming to be "evidence based".
You Danielle, and all the rest of us who have chosen to swallow the bitter pill of truth could all weep.
Those traipsing the former hallowed halls of hospitals are NOT the critical thinkers of medicine. They do not question. They are not informed of anything outside their bubble. The critical thinkers are long gone, forming many adjunct cohorts willing to question, research, publish and warn.
Sadly, those remaining in the allopathic workforce are deluded individuals.
They believe THEY know best - despite their lack of enquiry or investigation.
Around 140,000 COVID VACCINE Adverse events reported to TGA ATM
Here is a HHS study that comes to the conclusion less than 1% of all vaccine adverse events are reported to the relevant authority - that in Australia being the TGA
“Adverse events from drugs and vaccines are common, but underreported. Although 25% of ambulatory patients experience an adverse drug event, less than 0.3% of all adverse drug events and 1-13% of serious events are reported to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Likewise, fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported. Low reporting rates preclude or slow the identification of “problem” drugs and vaccines that endanger public health”
So sad, we need justice for these beautiful people. My prayers are with Rhys 😞💕
Notice how they are taking out the fighting age males.......
After some searching I found that TGA must stand for Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration. Americans and English speakers from other countries don't necessarily know.
That’s correct. And AHPRA is the group of bullies that register all medical industry professionals.
Hi All,
" Dr William Bay’s Landmark Victory in Queensland Court: What It Means for Medical Freedom "
At last justice has set the truth free .....
I wish to highlight the recent QLD Supreme Court decision that reinstated Dr Bay's medical registration after AHPRA deregistered him for speaking openly about the Coronavirus vaccine narrative where he described it as dangerous.
The court transcript describes the judges assessment of AHPRA's conduct as "The court ruled that the suspension of Dr. Bay’s license, as well as subsequent investigations and referrals to the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal, were invalid. It also ordered the Medical Board and AHPRA to cover Bay’s legal costs."
I have BCC emailed it to fifty others, hope you do too. And please do your own research. Thank you.
Con Dassos
The few brave whistleblowers were so effectively silenced (nay, destroyed!), that the opportunity for health care professionals to speak out in unison was missed.
Pfizer & other pHARMa Groups put out/updated it's SDS (product Safety Data Sheet) in 2020>21. The So-called 'Data' results was filled with; 'No data available'. 'No information currently available'. 'Testing data incomplete' etc. So informative, I could have used it as a Flyscreen! (THIS is what passes for 'Safe & Effective', when Not the company Producing this BioLogical Crap, Not the 'Dogs of Watch' [TGA], Not the MediKill fraternity, Not the Heads of Governance Have a Clue on Apparent 'Negative Outcomes' - But 'Push it' Anyway! It can only mean 'A Definitive program OF Foreign actors Gain'! BUT; THEY ALL 'KNOW', IT WAS A SHAM - BEFORE, STILL 'PUSHING IT'!!
To Cite; From Pfizer themselves; ATTACHMENT A.
Important Information for Health Providers and Consumers. Underlined.( ALL capitals are the Pfizer's own!)
Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine COMIRNITY BNT162b2.
* This vaccine is new and experimental and has not been fully validated for safety or efficacy.
* This vaccine has not been safety- tested for medium term or long term side-effects.
* This vaccine has not been tested for genetic impacts.
* If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, immune compromised, otherwise ill, frail, taking other medications, or an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, you should not take this vaccine.
* This vaccine may not prevent infection or give lasting protection from infection.
* This vaccine may not prevent viral transmission.
* This vaccine will not reduce symptoms.
* Before taking this vaccine, you should carefully weigh the risks and benefits against the risks associated with infection, including mortality and morbidity data.
* You should carefully consider whether this vaccine is right for you in all circumstances.
Note; So The Above, IS 'Informed Consent, BY the System!?
Next; W.A. Government- Dept of Premier and Cabinet. (McGowan & Cook) - WA.gov.au Home page.
Public Health Act 2016 (WA)- Instrument of Authorisation- Authorisation to Supply or Administer a 'POISON' [SARS-COV-2(COVID-19) VACCINE-Australian Defence Force](No.2) 2021
Published; 10 March 2021.
Note; Pfizer BioNTech Pharma 'Products', joined by FOSUN, Chinese Conglomerate (Asia Pacific).
Worth losing My FIFO job of over 10 Years, in the Resources Sector- Even after showing Management/'Health and Safety' ALL of the Conflicted - OR/AND Lack of Safety Data?= YOU BET! Apparently 'Inclusiveness and Diversity'- ARE 'Selective'!
Wellness - John D.
100% the vaccine is responsible. 🙏 for a positive outcome and justice for the Hoole Family.
We have a corporate government run by a criminal cartel. I wish for the judge presiding over Dr McCanns case to receive an Ebenezer Scrooge transformation.