While you’re enjoying your Christmas and New Year’s break, spare a thought for those of us that have suffered from the COVID-19 vaccines and COVID-19 vaccine mandates. Radiographer Matt Hoole believes his son Rhys - one of the many fit and energetic young people that have had ‘sudden’ cardiac incidents of late - was injured by a COVID-19 vaccine, and is now fighting for justice, and recognition. He shares his sad story with us today.
OTN: Please explain what happened to your son, Rhys, and why you think that COVID-19 vaccination (Pfizer) is the culprit.
HOOLE: Rhys was a healthy young 23 yr old man prior to his cardiac arrest in March 2022. He played competitive sport his whole life, worked full time, and had no known cardiac issues or other co-morbidities. The first indication we had that Rhys had a serious health problem was when we received the call from his workmate to say that he had collapsed while playing touch football. He received immediate CPR and defibrillation (10 shocks) on the ground and was transported to hospital. When we arrived, we were told that Rhys was still non-responsive (after one hour). We thought we had lost him. The emergency doctors managed to start his heart but we were told his heart was severely dilated and not functioning properly. He was taken to ICU, intubated and placed in a coma. The following day his sedation was reduced and his endotracheal tube removed. He couldn’t communicate and we were told that he may have suffered a hypoxic brain injury. Fortunately, this wasn’t the case due to effective CPR. I asked the cardiologist in ICU if Rhys’ cardiac arrest might be related to his vaccination. The response was a definitive “we don’t think so - the timeframe doesn’t fit”. In hindsight, I should have asked what timeframe he would have expected. I did note at the time that there was no attempted discussion from any medical personnel regarding causation. Rhys spent approx. 3 weeks in CCU, had an operation to insert an implantable cardioverter defibrillator. We were told that his heart failure would worsen, stabilise, or even marginally improve. Rhys tested negative for COVID when admitted to emergency. I started to research and discovered that there was evidence of young healthy males collapsing on sports fields and the COVID vaccine was implicated. I particularly noted the Israeli study that showed statistically significant numbers of young males suffering cardiac issues post vaccination. I started to uncover some very concerning facts: 1. Aust. has a vaccine adverse event reporting system. At the time of Rhys’’ arrest, the TGA had received over 130,000 adverse event reports. 2. Aust. has a vaccine adverse event compensation scheme. The TGA website indicated that death from an approved COVID vaccine could result in approx. $700,000 compensation. 3. The TGA changed their dose interval recommendation between doses 1 & 2 from 3 weeks (Rhys had his 2 doses 3 weeks apart) to 8-12 weeks without giving clear justification. This was despite the TGA consistently reporting no safety signals of note. 4. The TGA cited 1 study in the New England Journal of Medicine as their evidence for childhood covid vaccination as being “safe and effective”. There were approx. 20 authors for the paper - all but 2 were Pfizer representatives. I found this to be a blatant conflict of interest. 5. I discovered that the TGA is approx 95% funded by the industry it regulates - another blatant conflict [source]. 6. Research was showing that COVID wasn’t generally a serious disease for young and healthy individuals yet vaccination was recommended for all [source]. 7. We were told that this was to prevent transmission to the more vulnerable yet the vaccines weren’t tested for transmissibility [source]. 8. Videos were surfacing of many young sportsmen suffering cardiac arrest. 9. I learnt that Pfizer was trying to conceal their clinical trial data for 75 years [source]. 10. A radiologist from my work became visibly upset when discussing Rhys’ arrest with me because she had just finished a report for government lobbying for fully rebatable cardiac MRI at public hospitals for patients presenting with cardiac symptoms post COVID vaccination. 11. I phoned the TGA to discuss Rhys’ case and was told that the TGA doesn’t do research on adverse events. I was told to speak with NHMRC who may help. Much more evidence was pointing to the vaccine not being safe - particularly causing cardiovascular issues. In the context of Rhys’ negative COVID screen, negative genetic screen for cardiomyopathies, no other co-morbidities, generalised worsened health (including exertional fatigue and excessive sweating) soon after his 2nd dose, the vaccine was obviously the most likely causative factor. Things simply weren’t adding up.
OTN: You earlier told me that 1 or 2 cardiologists were willing to point the finger at the jab, what has been the general reaction from all the doctors you consulted with?
HOOLE: I have been astounded by the general lack of interest by my health colleagues, Rhys’ cardiology/transplant team/ICU nurses etc., to enter any discussion regarding causation. 1. If discussing the issue, nurses have shut doors, lowered their voice, commented that they can’t discuss. 2. I spoke to 2 of Rhys’ treating transplant cardiologists regarding assigning vaccine as causation for the purpose of completing the compensation scheme and was told that I should speak with the treating doctors at the initial emergency presentation. They simply would not risk making a definitive comment on causation. 3. I was told by one of the cardiologists who has agreed the vaccine caused Rhys’ arrest and heart failure that the cardiologist who initially told me that “the timeframe didn’t fit” had changed his view on the possibility of the vaccine causing cardiac damage. 4. My radiology colleagues generally won’t enter into an in-depth discussion on the safety of the vaccine. My understanding is that all doctors received official correspondence from AHPRA reminding them of their professional responsibility to not speak negatively of the vaccine rollout or potentially suffer punitive action. The entire medical profession appears to be indoctrinated into accepting the ideology of vaccination, thereby losing the ability to objectively use available evidence to discuss safety and efficacy and real benefit/risk. It has been quite an eye-opening experience for me.
OTN: Have you managed to get pathology work done to potentially identify damage caused by vaccine-related spike proteins?
HOOLE: I worked hard to ensure Rhys’ explanted heart was not disposed. Fortuitously, an old school acquaintance of mine is a senior pathologist and he kindly listened to our story. His findings from biopsy on Rhys’ heart revealed no anatomical anomaly, yet there is evidence of inflammatory infiltrates. My understanding is that this is a non-specific finding until dedicated staining is performed to reveal the infiltrates specific to spike protein damage. Not surprisingly, I believe that, to date, there is no dedicated protocol recommended by medical bodies in Australia for pathologists to follow to definitively reveal vaccine induced damage to organs (esp. heart damage). There is a protocol used by a few pathologists internationally but this hasn’t been adopted in Australia. Our pathologist has kindly preserved Rhys’ heart for future pathological assessment when more dedicated protocols become more readily available in Australia. We have contacted a pathologist in America who may be able to assist.
OTN: Has Rhys had COVID-19, particularly around the time these issues began?
HOOLE: Rhys was tested for the SARS‑CoV‑2 virus when initially brought in to Emergency after his arrest. He tested negative. He subsequently tested positive for COVID the day of his surgery for implantation of his ICD. He had absolutely no COVID/respiratory symptoms at this time. For each hospital admission, a COVID test was performed. He tested positive again in Dec 2023 and was prescribed molnupiravir (anti-viral). He tested positive again on admission in Feb 2024 and, once again, placed on anti-virals (this time remdesivir). He was asymptomatic for COVID on both these occasions. I was extremely concerned about the effect of remdesivir on both kidney and liver function and asked the infectious disease nurse why we couldn’t use molnupiravir again. I was told that “we don’t think it works”. I was astounded with this remark because the drug is subsided through the PBS for eligible patients at a cost of approx. $1300. Because Rhys had no symptoms for COVID, I requested that the remdesivir was halted (which it was). Follow up COVID PCR the following day returned a negative result so anti-virals were ceased. The multiple positive results, followed subsequently with a negative result furthered my suspicion regarding the specificity of the PCR testing and the apparent risk of false positive results. Literature has discussed issues with cycling rates with the COVID PCR testing. It was intriguing to me why in Feb 2024, with patients who are asymptomatic for COVID disease, hospitals are still insisting on PCR testing. The bottom line with all this testing for COVID is that Rhys tested negative (and was asymptomatic) at the time of his arrest.
OTN: Does this mean Rhys did not have COVID before being vaccinated?
HOOLE: No COVID before vaccination or between vaccinations and first PCR on admission. At least no diagnosis or symptoms of COVID. We probably all had antibodies for the virus without any symptoms!
OTN: What has been the reaction from Australian politicians and news organisations?
HOOLE: It has become obvious to me that the mainstream media are either incompetent, wilfully blind, and/or part of an overarching complex with financial coercion preventing truth in their reporting. This has been quite eye-opening to me with regard to reporting during the COVID years. This biased complex, plus the reality of a new government-administered MAD bill is an alarming situation for truth seeking for the masses. Quite some time back, I responded to an ABC call for COVID stories to be shared. I heard nothing back. I have been sharing our story through Substack - VSRF, Dr Makis, Dr McCullough, yourself, Dr Mel McCann (this association through the Vaccine Safety Conference with Kory, McCullough, McCann, John Leake). Ironically, I have spoken with both Gerard Rennick and Russell Broadbent who have both been generous with their time. Mr Broadbent and Tanya (his Assistant) have offered to put me in contact with Dr John Campbell (still waiting for this opportunity). Disappointingly, the obvious first point of contact to discuss Rhys’ medical journey should be the medical profession. There is literally very little appetite from medical personnel to discuss or address the issue. This is also of major concern. I have witnessed the ironic situation of a profession which should be led by critical thinkers, instead being hamstrung by regulatory and professional body pressures, and by a personal desire to protect the status quo (in terms of their financial privilege). I don’t believe too many of these skillful professionals would risk their financial interests to advocate for Rhys at a higher level - this is sad, but understandable.
OTN: Does any official Australian governmental or medical organisation recognise this as a COVID-19 vaccine injury? Will you be fighting to ensure it is recorded as such, to aid ongoing and accurate research on the jabs?
HOOLE: With regard to Rhys’ health demise being recognised as a vaccine injury - I have come to the realisation that the Australian government, TGA, AMA, AHPRA, politicians (most) have very little to gain and a lot to answer for if they were to actively seek out and investigate these cases of injury. There are legal and professional ramifications for these people if it is identified that they have made mistakes in the course of their work. The concern to me is the power they have to conceal these potential mistakes to avoid accountability for their decisions. This cannot occur. We are all accountable for our actions, people in power cannot be exempt. For example, we cannot have our national drug regulatory body making hand-waving comments, totally dismissing independent scientific findings without qualification. I am referring to the DNA contamination [more on the TGA here]. Their disregard for this research and disinterest to investigate is a damning reflection on their competency. This will only serve to increase distrust.
OTN: How has Rhys been progressing since his heart transplant?
HOOLE: It is only because we live in this magnificent country that I can answer this question regarding Rhys’ progress and prognosis with a degree of hope. We were told on 3 separate occasions by Rhys’ medical team that they were pessimistic about his chance of survival. Out of hospital cardiac arrest survival rate is approx 5-8%, let alone the other major complications he has endured. Rhys’ medical care has been world-class. Without his heart transplant, Rhys could not have left ICU (he was on life support machines) and would have died in hospital. It simply cannot be over-stated the importance of organ donation and the critical work done by DonateLife. We are so blessed and grateful for Rhys’ medical team’s skill, professionalism and care, and the gift of life afforded by Rhys’ donor and family. Rhys is 6 months post transplant and gaining strength slowly. He has been managing pressure sores, muscular atrophy and pain, rib and sternum healing, feet and toe issues, and other ‘minor’ concerns since leaving hospital. He is continuing heart biopsy, regular blood tests, injections to stimulate white blood cell production due to immunosuppression, drug therapy management, etc. All in all, he is progressing well and prognosis is good but uncertain.
OTN: Is Rhys expected to make a full recovery?
HOOLE: Rhys will be on medication for the rest of his life - immunosuppressants, blood pressure and cholesterol lowering drugs, steroids, etc. He will need biopsies, and removal of the implantable cardioverter-defibrillator. He potentially has permanent damage to his collapsed lung. He is expected to have a shortened life expectancy due to possibility of transplanted heart fibrosis. He will not be able to return to his normal sporting activities. He has potentially permanent nerve damage in his groin due to ECMO life support. He will potentially suffer other organ damage due to drug therapy. He has suffered psychological damage. His personality and outgoing positive nature has changed. He is prone to infection and skin cancer. His prognosis is uncertain. His life has been stolen.
OTN: Given Rhys’ young age and erstwhile health, he would likely would have had an extremely low risk from serious COVID-19. How do you feel about the government’s approving, encouraging, and even mandating COVID-19 vaccines, even for people who clearly did not need them?
HOOLE: In a sentence, our government and TGA’s response to this situation can be summed up by “negligence and misfeasance”. I have no legal training but there must be a degree of criminality in the lack of informed consent and professional bullying toward medical professionals administering these products. Being a healthcare worker, I am incredibly disappointed in the leadership (lack thereof) from AHPRA and AMA who should have stepped in and denounced vaccine mandates on the basis of lack of informed consent. The government approved, recommended, coerced, and mandated these products, and failed to perform adequate safety monitoring, for a product based on a novel (and previously unsuccessful) technology that bypassed standard clinical trials and regulatory approval. Heads should roll. We need recognition, acknowledgment, and serious compensation for those injured, and those responsible for this negligence and misfeasance held accountable.
OTN: 100%! The persecuted unjabbed and jab injured (and their families) will hopefully work together to hold these people accountable, and see if we can repair some of the damage caused. I’ve had a few wins and there were some huge wins recently in the US, and especially with President Trump’s re-election and recent comments, there is some hope. Are you personally seeking justice, and if so, how are you doing so, and how can people help?
HOOLE: We have submitted a claim through the Federal Government Adverse Event Compensation Scheme. I am also watching closely the COVID class action currently before the courts. For me, justice involves recognition of the damage caused and those involved being subpoenaed in a Royal Commission. The recent findings from the COVID inquiry is nothing short of offensive for those who have been injured. Justice, for me, is not complete without informing the Australian public of potential for future harms from issues such as DNA plasmid contamination and removal of the products from the market until these concerns have been addressed. Anything less is denying true informed consent.
Okay then.
Thankyou for telling this story. I hope this young man and his family are OK. It hurt me to read this because it is exactly why my family chose poverty and persecution. We knew, from experience, that there would be little help and a lot of gaslighting. That it is this bad now is appalling. The improper use of PCR and Remdesivir still happening is a shameful disgrace on the medical profession. To continue to behave this way, after so much information has become common knowledge, just to keep their jobs is disgusting. Most quacks, tga, aahpra, ama, govt are all grubs.
The HOOLE family along with thousands of Australians were scammed by politicians of all shades.
Dr Richard Bartlett devised a CURE for Covid c March, 2020, months before the Big Pharma and Pfizer rollouts. His methodology used Chloromycetin (a safe drug used by asthmatics around the world for many years) + aspirin (to stop blood clots) zinc ( a curative) and an antibiotic to stop secondary infection (influenza)
None of his patients (+ hospitals and doctors using the Bartlett method) suffered myocarditis; pericarditis, blood clots, birth defects or DEATH.
About July 2020, by way of email, I advised all Federal MPs; Senators; State Premiers and all Chiefs of Staff; certain major Universities and Professors of Infectious Disease; AMA ; all Australian Coroners, All Qld State MPs; Media etc etc.
ANSWER. The Guardian Newspaper and the Centre for Public Integrity (Sydney based retired Judges and Barristers ) obtained irrefutable evidence of the MILLIONS of dollars paid by Pfizer and others to Australia's three main political parties by way of lobbying - commonly known in USA and other countries as BRIBES. Although the Halls of Power changed hands, neither side will blame the other for their lack of care for Australians' health. The "Pot can't call the kettle black" and thus any attempt by honest politicians to hold a ROYAL COMMISSION is refused and brushed under the corruption carpet.
Those in the Media have to obey their Masters after it was reported that Bill Gates poured millions into the media barons' pockets and purchased millions of shares in Pharma drug companies. If you want the "evidence" follow the money.
Much more has been published on a regular basis over the last four years but none of it in the Australian media.
Read about the brave attempt by a courageous woman JACKSON to expose her employers fraud and that of Pfizer To the American FDA and her sacking from work the same day
Read about the work of volunteers over 3 years to expose Pfizer. Google "beyondthecon.com."
Google details of the FIVE (5) American States that have commenced legal action against Pfizer for fraudulent practise and the thousands of civil cases listed in American courts
The facts are available on reliable web sites for those who want Truth.
Corruption appears to run deep in Australia and JUSTICE but a byword.
Who will clean out the nest. God save Australia. Politicians wont.
Thomas J Mahon JP Bcs.