Evidence of the harms done by COVID-19 vaccines continues to pile in, with an Italian study published by Springer Nature (Salmaggi et al) finding an increased risk of “CNS disorders following COVID-19 vaccination”: “The 28-day post-vaccination period was associated with a significant increase in the occurrence of ischemic stroke, cerebral haemorrhage, TIAs and myelitis (IRR 1.44, 1.50, 1.67 and 2.65 respectively).”
You are so right Raphael with your comments. I would also ASK why would a world prominent neurologist working in medical research even bother to get a study published where the study went only for 28 days. ( according to the abstract, please check) That's an insult to intelligence!
By the way Springer was bought out by BC Partners ( a British private equity investment firm) in 2013. Very poor background for a publisher's partners--- very poor in my opinion.
Yeah, if jabs occasion side effects, but do not stop covid, then it's a double whammy of potential effects: Additively.
You are so right Raphael with your comments. I would also ASK why would a world prominent neurologist working in medical research even bother to get a study published where the study went only for 28 days. ( according to the abstract, please check) That's an insult to intelligence!
Why would he do that?
One cannot comment any further , as only the abstract is available online; the complete article ( https://order.springer.com/public/cart?message=AddToCartSuccess) has to be paid for.
By the way Springer was bought out by BC Partners ( a British private equity investment firm) in 2013. Very poor background for a publisher's partners--- very poor in my opinion.
Checking the full article (thank you University of Sydney) it is indeed 28 days.
the gift that keeps on giving...
*Extra: This is a British idiom meaning that they’re mocking us."
Brady Bunch on the mildness of the measles: ‘slight temperature, a lot of dots, and a great big smile.’
‘He’s off school for a few days.’
’Boy this is the life isn’t it?’
’Yeah, if you have get sick you sure can’t beat measles”’
—Brady Bunch, S01-E13, Dec 26, 1969
Excerpt from: https://tritorch.substack.com/p/autism-pre-conditioning-and-normalization
I cannot click or select anything on the page with the study article. Anybody else experiencing this?
Thanks, what's the link to that Italian study?
I have it above as "Source". It is https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10072-024-07870-5
My fault, I overlooked that.