Jun 30Liked by Raphael Lataster, PhD

[Joe Scarborough stated just a few months ago: “.... In fact, I think he’s better than he’s ever been, intellectually, analytically.”]

LOL ! That must be an incredibly low bar Joe ! What a lying POS.

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Jun 30Liked by Raphael Lataster, PhD

Hopefully, more people will look at MSM in the light of this quote by Friedrich Nietzsche :

"I’m not upset that you lied to me, I’m upset that from now on I can’t believe you"

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Jun 30Liked by Raphael Lataster, PhD

The BS that comes out 24/7 out of the USA is truly unbelievable, truly.

They really are an alien nation in so many ways. Untrustworthy, deceptive, manipulative, narcissistic imposed on its citizens and the world's mortals. What's next??

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I listen to TWiV so you don’t have to…

TWiV )This Week in Viruses) is the one place you can go online to hear the death-throes of the Pharma-backed research community as they cling to their wet-market theories and ardent support of gain-of-function research. As the old saying goes, “You can always tell where a person stands based on where they sit”.

In this week’s episode, which has to be the most overtly political podcast they have done in all these many years, they start out with a twenty-minute defense of gain-of-function research. In a diatribe about those rubes who live west of the Hudson, they castigate Coloradoans who don’t want dangerous research on foreign bats in their neighborhood. Further, this episode then becomes a full-throated defense of U.S. labs doing gain-of-function research on non-native viruses performed on non-native animal species. What could possibly go wrong??

In their dive into the topic, they complain that “gain-of-function” has never been properly defined, seeking to dive into the rabbit hole that Fauci introduced to obfuscate the entire issue. No, Sir: gain-of-function is well defined – you just don’t like the definition.

This cabal of government teat-sucking bureaucrats are led by a man in his 70s who still dyes his hair-plugs and a guy who lives in his mother’s basement and still thinks the “m” in mRNA vaccines stands for “messenger”. This show may have been balanced in the early days long ago. It has sadly devolved into some lab-rats who are now in a defensive crouch defending their compatriots who suckle at the teat of Big Pharma and the NIH. Oh, and Joe Biden, who remains, in their eyes, the greatest politician of the day.

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The Funny Thing Is

This Coming Week

Hillary Loses Again.


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