We have been covering the issue of apparent COVID-19 vaccine negative effectiveness quite a bit, because, well, how can the vaccines be ‘safe & effective’ if they increase your chance of COVID-19 infection, hospitalisation, and even death? Evidence available in 2022 had us wondering if part of this problem is caused by increased IgG4 antibodies after vaccination, in other words, the jabs might actually be telling the immune system to ‘take it easy’ on the novel coronavirus.
Now a study funded by the Dutch government, currently available as a preprint, provides further evidence that the mRNA COVID-19 jabs are increasing IgG4 antibodies. The researchers state: “Repeated mRNA vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 has been shown to induce class switching to IgG4, a non-inflammatory human antibody subclass linked to tolerance. … We observed a substantial increase in the proportion of RBD-specific IgG4 antibodies (median 21%) in healthy/untreated controls after a third mRNA vaccination.” Source. This actual evidence is a far cry from the ‘oh, it is maybe due to some selection bias we have not bothered to confirm’ excuse published earlier in the prestigious BMJ.
Okay then.
Extra: As some of our leaders and experts attempt to bring back fear of what now is a pretty common cold, which will no doubt kill some people, you may want to pay close attention to who is dying from COVID-19. Quite a bit of evidence so far indicates that the unvaccinated are faring much better than the vaccinated.
Hope you are well Raphael.
When all this crap re masks & distancing & "protect the elderly/vulnerable" first started up I pulled on my researchers coat & poked about the net for other stuff on viral transmission. I already knew that British consultants had been banned from wearing long hair to work & told to tuck their ties into their shirts on the wards because their hair & their ties was transferring viruses around hospitals & subjecting those without effective immune systems to everyday cold viruses that could kill them!
And that's the crux of this post. A cancer sufferer, organ recipient or anyone else with challenged immunity could easily be killed by even the mildest cold-like virus. The fact that some elderly/vulnerable were catching SARS-II & dying was not evidence that SARS-II was deadly dangerous. It simply proved what we already knew. Even a bug with so little effects that you'd go to work & carry on despite the mild symptoms, could kill an elderly/vulnerable person.
If theirs effective under any circumstances is ever negative, shouldn't they be facilitating outbreaks then? Given enough people are vaccinated in a short time and experience ade...