"effectively a part of the Australian government" - 94% funded by industry https://www.tga.gov.au/sites/default/files/2022-09/2022-06-30_cost-recovery-implementation-statement-v1.0-jul-2022-2023.pdf

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Yes! An incredible phenomenon, found all over the world. These agencies are effectively part of the government, and yet they're industry funded. But don't worry, they're "just fees and grants, bro"...

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This FOIA response is very interesting. While it is highly suggestive, it is based on reported adverse events. Technically, the TGA kept its same report even if there is a only a small chance that the event was caused by the vaccine language as useful cyber while hospitals refused to file reports, leaving a huge under-reporting effect. This allows the TGA to say that this horrific graph represents very few events and is biased by what people considered related to vaccination even the TGA told them to report everything.

A more useful FOIA would compare all deaths to the date of vaccination.

The number of vaccinations and the number of days since the last vaccination would be interesting.

Also the death rate by age category for each number of vaccinations (zero through 8+).

I bet they will delay that response until after as many elections as they can.

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"Despite this, the TGA continues to maintain that the jabs are ‘safe and effective’."

How can they do otherwise without admitting to crimes they would then surely be prosecuted for? As sure as plants grow, criminals keep their lips buttoned.

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The TGA are a pack of bas.....ds. My mother was triple jabbed, got Covid in her nursing home in Melbourne and died 31/2 weeks later, even after a course of Molnupiravir. OK, she was 88, so I'm not devastated, but the BS after she died was infuriating. 5 residents died that week in the nursing home. Given there are 100 residents, that's almost impossible unless something unusual happened. Well, I found out 34 residents and 19 staff also caught Covid in the same wave and according to the Home, no one died of Covid? My mother's doctor put on the Death Certificate 1. COPD 2. CKD 3. Dimentia 4. Covid Infection.

I wonder how the TGA categorized the death?

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That's how doctors are now taught to write death certificates, it's not a COVID cover up, if she died of the flu or pneumonia it would still have been in last place... Because without those conditions it's unlikely COVID would have killed her. That's why dementia is now a leading cause of death whereas thirty years ago the mantra was people died with dementia not of dementia - it's a change in how death certificates are written and cause of death is reported, not a change in how dementia is killing or not killing people. Am I making sense? This is a death certificate system wide change to prioritise systemic illnesses that are the underlying predisposing reasons people die, it's not a COVID specific conspiracy.

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Must hide the trutg!!! Must! Income depends on it! Yes, must HIDE! (snark) "D"

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That supports the findings of the Barry Young data from New Zealand.

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Deaths in Clinical Trials are not recorded in the TGA DAEN.

In the phase 3 randomized placebo-controlled trial of Australia's GMO SpikoGen (formerly called Covax-19) with 16,876 participants there were 2 Deaths.

Both received SpikoGen Jab and got Covid19.

Both died after their 1st jab

1 died of Heart Attack after his favourite football team lost a game.


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