Jun 5Liked by Raphael Lataster, PhD

I would say that the incidence of adverse events would be highly understated, given hospitals deliberately avoided connecting the jabs with admissions. I have a friend who worked in radiology in a New Zealand hospital who saw teenage boys coming into hospital in tears due to intense chest pain and the doctors would never ask if they had been recently jabbed. Rather they would ask questions like, what did you have for breakfast, or what psycholigical issues were worrying the patient. My friend resigned her position in disgust at what was going on before her eyes.

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Might not be the jab, though. Did they get some sunlight or shake their duvet too vigorously? Or did the teenage boys have winter vagina?

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Jun 6Liked by Raphael Lataster, PhD

ha ha ha ha sarcasm ,love it

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Jun 6Liked by Raphael Lataster, PhD

the parents also through guilt will bury there head in the sand and ignore the obvious as well as the hospital staff

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Jun 5Liked by Raphael Lataster, PhD

I am so sad for all those innocent children that died in their sleep and the ones that suffered Heart problems Myocarditis etc destroyed immune for all those babies and mothers that died because of the vaccine Destroyed Immune systems resulting in shorter lifespan from an experimental vaccine that had no long term data forced on the population in the name of fake UNWHO climate change

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It's a very sorry situation. I am thankfully not in that position, but imagine the guilt a parent must feel if they harmed their child with these unnecessary jabs.

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Jun 5Liked by Raphael Lataster, PhD

I certainly hope Senator Rennick gets a chance to put this to Skerrit and Murphy in Senate Estimates some time.

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Skerrit has been moved on so can't be interrogated in the Senate again. He could be called to a Royal Commission however.


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Convenient for him, and Murphy (who has retired). Looks like Kelly will have to carry the can.

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no one will carry any can ,for them it was the perfect scam and money making scheme with no risks as the ones who own them own the rest of the authorities doing the investigating

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Jun 5Liked by Raphael Lataster, PhD

The Golden Rule Still Applies:

1. Don’t Touch Bat Shit.

What ? You Need More Rules …

Okay. Don’t Inject Anything Into Your Body That Is Derived From The Bacteria Found In Bat Shit.

This Is Not Complicated People.

How Do We Know This ?

Because If Every Caveman Had Been This Bat Shit Stupid - You Wouldn’t Be Here.

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Jun 5Liked by Raphael Lataster, PhD

I pray for the children for what their parents willingly forced upon them

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Powers that be aren't recommending them to everybody... Go read what the TGA says. Not recommended to healthy children. But oh, that goes against your conspiracy narrative so you can't possibly acknowledge it ...

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The CDC link I gave straight after saying that literally says: "CDC recommends everyone ages 6 months and older get an updated COVID-19 vaccine to protect against serious illness." But thank you for showing everyone what a hateful little liar you are :)

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