Aug 9, 2023Liked by Raphael Lataster, PhD

Congrats. Saw something today where the main stream press were characterised as "presstitutes". A quite fitting description.

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One of my favourite new words!

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Sep 15, 2023Liked by Raphael Lataster, PhD

An offense to honest sex workers in my opinion!

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Aug 9, 2023Liked by Raphael Lataster, PhD

Congratulations! People are still being mandated in Australia even now (see QLD nurses as an example). It’s just so wrong and I hope they all get justice.

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Aug 9, 2023Liked by Raphael Lataster, PhD


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Among the parties that ought to pay (payment is all very well, I personally prefer 'dangle'), the corporate death star(s), Pfizer etc, shan't get off all that easily now. Wouldn't be a first for them either. The UK invented corporate manslaughter for their privatized rail disasters how about that, and even though their contracts go as far as excluding negligence (cf SA), I believe the 75 years' special reserve paperwork shows intent/gross misconduct. My bet: A prosecutor in a country, reading something much like your summary above, will open the floodgates..

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Aug 9, 2023Liked by Raphael Lataster, PhD

You're right, we don't use a court decision to prove science. That's why we have doctors and scientists not only proving the vaccine didn't stop transmission, didn't stop infection, didn't stop death, but actually CAUSED excess death. I could give endless links, but here's s tiny sample of how destructive this bioweapon was and not only should NOT be mandaged but SHOULD be outlawed.

South Australian data proves COVID jabs causing excess deaths?


mRNA COVID Vaccines May Be Triggering ‘Turbo Cancers’ in Young People"


Spike Protein Induced Cardiotoxicity: A Potential Tsunami of Cardiac Issues Over the Next 20+


The death jab screws up the immune system by disabling it making jab recepient more vulnerable to lots of bad stuff


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Aug 9, 2023·edited Aug 9, 2023Author

Don't feed the trolls... They've been temporarily banned after numerous complaints from members, insults, spam, etc. Takes a special kind of person to mock someone who has suffered immensely from an unjust policy that made no sense at any time.

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Aug 10, 2023Liked by Raphael Lataster, PhD

10-4. I wasn't aware you took action against the troll. I generally don't respond but didn't want that left without rebuttal in case you have any lemmings that read here. Nice job and congrats on your victory. The more the good guys win, the more we can hope to turn this around before these evil people destroy us all.

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This person has annoyed pretty much everyone here, constantly flooding the message sections with irrelevant garbage, lies, as well as the constant mockery and gaslighting (accusing us of misinformation for... daring to point out media and government misinformation). Just in this post, they insulted me again and had to make a big fuss about how this win doesn't prove the jabs are unsafe. No-one said that, ever. This win is about liberalism and the law; you can be pro-jab and still oppose the jab mandates, and be happy for people like me who gain a little justice after having their lives destroyed over nothing (I worked from home, and COVID positive people can roam the hospitals with no restrictions). People like that aren't interested in having rational and respectful discussions about the evidence. They're just human garbage, keyboard warriors, cowards, and trolls, thriving off of being able to be an absolute moron to people on the internet, when in real life carrying on like that risks a punch in the face, until people just have enough and block or ban them. And then they'll go on and have a sook about how their free speech is being infringed, the poor darlings. And yes, it's the evidence from the clinical trials and the observational studies that indicates the jabs are unsafe, like what you showed in your response.

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Aug 16, 2023Liked by Raphael Lataster, PhD

Was this the stop the noise guy who had a online temper tantrum when pointing out Faucis evil

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Yes, apparently pointing out when our leaders and experts tell us untrue things and even outright lie to us means we are disseminating misinformation... I only intended to give them a temporary ban, but for some reason Substack deletes all their posts as well. It's a good platform, but it still has kinks to iron out.

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Aug 19, 2023Liked by Raphael Lataster, PhD

You also are a keyboard warrior fighting for something that barley protects people against a virus that is similar to the flu that no one cares about any more, seriously does the covid vaccine effeincy debate live in your head rent free and just because the early studies use different batches of vaccine just to get evidence for the pro vaccine regime because this 3 year old lockdown has caused record amount of suicides, alcohol/drug abuse death, and more deaths for diebetic people so do I mention more you pro big pharm spokesman,

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