Since US insurance company One America announced that excess mortalities for 2021 were 40% higher than in 2020, followed by fifth largest insurer Lincoln National announcement of a massive 163% increase in death benefits paid out in 2021, we need to get more data on this but it looks very troubling. Combine this with the fact that there are now more than 22,000 vaccine deaths reported in US VAERS yet the CDC says that only 7 were vaccine related? Smell fishy?


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As with the UK and Australia. Thank you very much for sharing, Matt. Especially as this is stuff we normally don't make entries for, preferring to focus on information from mainstream news sources or journal articles. We suspect that there will be more over the coming months and years. Even with our self-imposed limitations, we don't have time to publish everything that is available now; the situation really isn't looking good.

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