COVID jab manufacturers are getting sued, MSM is reporting it, and what took you all so long?
Hold onto your butts, because this one’s a doozy. A lot of our focus has been on the RNA COVID-19 vaccines, especially the concerning phenomenon of negative effectiveness, but you may find it nice to see the similar DNA jabs getting trashed as well. The manufacturer of the AstraZeneca DNA jab is being sued in the British High Court, because it has apparently caused a bit too many injuries and deaths. In fact, it is reported that “it was recommend it no longer be given to the under-40s in the U.K. because the risk of receiving the jab outweighed the serious harm posed by Covid”. Wait, what? Read that again. What happened to “safe and effective”?! It’s not new to have court cases around the jabs (hi there), or to have people thinking the jabs aren’t worth the risk, but such things are now seen in mainstream news outlets, like the UK’s The Telegraph. Source. Even the BBC is interested. Source. And in Australia. Source.
Lucky this garbage was never mandated, huh? Oh wait. Oops. Source. Sorry for the unnecessary deaths lol? Maybe the elites shouldn’t have knighted AstraZeneca’s CEO? Source. Maybe the BBC shouldn’t be so biased in their COVID reporting, so that they don’t need to ‘apologise’? Source. And to think, people like me were given shit just for mentioning some of the issues with AstraZeneca that were already being reported by the actual science and the mainstream news around two years ago. But now the Telegraph wants to win us over and even publish a related piece saying that “The young and healthy, who were at minimal risk from Covid, should not have been told they had to take the vaccine”? Source. Could you maybe have said that two years ago? Instead of acting like presstitutes to the great investor in COVID jabs, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation? Source. Source. Source.
Okay then.
Extra: Don’t act so shocked, we already knew the same few people own just about everything. Yes, even the drug companies and the mainstream news outlets, like Woody joked about.
Extra: When jabbed people have been injured and killed when they faced basically no risk from COVID, and unjabbed people like myself have been demonised, gaslit, and persecuted for making a sound personal health decision that is being increasingly validated, bullshit apologies are just not going to cut it. It’s time to pay up, bitches. We’re pissed af, we’re growing in number, and we’re coming for you. As they said in that great film about the GFC, The Other Guys, “I hope you like the taste of prison food. And penis.”
A stirring final para. The numbers are indeed growing, as knowledge of what has been perpetrated with fatal consequences for so many, becomes more than just whispers or fragments of information, shared by people who have occasionally dipped in to Not The MSM. More people are actively looking for confirmation of what has happened in their families, local communities- it doesn't accord with all those 3 word phrases we were bombarded with in 2021 and 2022. Dwindling 'candidates' for the autumn booster ( aka blighter) are testament to new knowledge, the firming up of half formed suspicions that 'things' aren't what was foretold.
It has been enlightening in many ways to read well researched sub stacks...not only do they feed a personal knowledge store but they, in some way, establish filaments of connection....good for the morale! Maybe 'substackers' can, on occasion, feel they are jostling in a sea of their fellows and there's no point in writing an article, gathering pieces of research, etc, but many readers are glad you are out there.
100% agree with the last para.