Yet more evidence for the highly concerning phenomenon of COVID-19 vaccine negative effectiveness. This time, it’s the Cleveland Clinic (again - noteworthy for several such studies, including one showing that those not ‘up-to-date’ on COVID vaccination were doing better) doing a study on their employees, showing that when it comes to the JN.1 lineage of Omicron, “a higher number of prior vaccine doses was associated with a higher risk of COVID-19”. Source. Once again, we see a clear dose-dependant relationship: “Compared to 0 or 1 prior vaccine doses, risk of COVID-19 was incrementally higher with 2 prior doses (HR, .1.46; 95% C.I., 1.12-1.90; P < .005), 3 prior doses (HR, 1.95; 95% C.I., 1.51-2.52; P < .001), and more than 3 prior doses (HR, 2.51; 95% C.I., 1.91-3.31; P < .001).”
They seem to be coming on board to our more rational way of thinking: “It is possible that this may be related to the fact that vaccine-induced immunity is weaker and less durable than natural immunity. So, although somewhat protective in the short term, vaccination may increase risk of future infection because the act of vaccination prevents the occurrence of a more immunogenic event. Thus, the short-term protection provided by a COVID-19 vaccine comes with a risk of increased susceptibility to COVID-19 in the future. This understanding suggests that a more nuanced approach to COVID-19 is necessary. Although some individuals are at high risk of complications from COVID-19, and may benefit from receiving a vaccine frequently, the wisdom of vaccinating everyone with a vaccine of low effectiveness every few months to prevent what is generally a mild or an asymptomatic infection in most healthy persons, needs to be questioned.”
Questioned indeed. We at least shouldn’t be firing people (like me) who don’t want to take a jab that actually increases their chance of infection, right? And maybe this is why JN.1 is apparently driving a reported huge increase in COVID-19 infections and hospitalisations. Source. After all, billions of people were jabbed. And if being jabbed raises your chances… I’ll let you figure it out.
Okay then.
Extra: Why do we keep seeing evidence of COVID-19 vaccine negative effectiveness? Why would the unjabbed be doing better? Would it have something to do with the possibility that they actually are negatively effective, as made plausible by the Doshi-Lataster papers? Somehow, I suspect that this isn’t the last we will hear about negative effectiveness. In fact, I guarantee it, since a certain someone has just had a little article approved in a medical journal on this very topic ;)
The detrimental effect of the mRNA jabs on the immune system was stated in plain English by research scientist Dr David Bauer of the Francis Crick institute. The 58 seconds video was featured in mainstream media 3 years ago (msn, the Guardian, Daily Mail), but the links in web archive do not play videos. Check it out by typing 'fewer key' into the Youtube searchbox, then go to 'Dr David Bauer; Pfizer injection produces fewer key antibodies' video.
A new paper coming out on negative efficacy? Well… OK then!