This is about THAT claim that new evidence from a major university’s study shows that spike protein from COVID-19 vaccines has been found in human bodies 2 years later.
“In case you’re not up to speed, our leaders are lying hypocritical scumbags…”
The saddest part of the whole C19 fiasco is that the above rhetoric isn’t hyperbolic, but actually accurate for a meaningful amount of our “leaders” and bureaucrats.
PUBLIC DISFAVOR- shocking self awareness about shedding! I have been a bit tired over the past 5-6 months, but still remain very active! Regardless I checked my own Antibodies to Spike Protein just for grins! I'm >2500 indicated I am producing Spike Protein! I HAVE NEVER TAKEN A mRNA SHOT! I must be producing by SHEDDING!! Holy Cow- I immediately ordered Ultimate Spike Detox from The Wellness Company and will continue my vitamen D, Zinc and Quercetin daily. I like so many others will hope to see independent Scientists develop a treatment to stop the cellular production of Spike Protien POISON!
I am now recommending that ALL my patients get checked for SPIKE PROTEIN ANTIBODIES!
Ask your physician to check your blood- "Semiquantative SARS CoV2 Antibody level - Labcorp does this for $60. If your positive consider reseraching The Wellness Company to DETOX the SPIKE!
After our Christmas Season of brotherly lover, it is Past Time to Hunt down All the perps, drag theminto Open Court with cameras, Try them, and let the world know how many Years of your life you lose for LYING to the Human Public!! Brst wishes for 2025.
The mRNA tells YOUR dna to produce the spike protein if you allow it into YOUR body.
Any way you slice it, the jab alters your dna.
It was rushed to market, so, there were no trials to prove or disprove the length of time this goes on.
Don't worry, Pfizer is still trying to find out if their COVID vaccine is safe and effective!
“In case you’re not up to speed, our leaders are lying hypocritical scumbags…”
The saddest part of the whole C19 fiasco is that the above rhetoric isn’t hyperbolic, but actually accurate for a meaningful amount of our “leaders” and bureaucrats.
The good part is that at least now we know.
From Dr. Bruce Boros on Facebook :
Sit down for this one:
PUBLIC DISFAVOR- shocking self awareness about shedding! I have been a bit tired over the past 5-6 months, but still remain very active! Regardless I checked my own Antibodies to Spike Protein just for grins! I'm >2500 indicated I am producing Spike Protein! I HAVE NEVER TAKEN A mRNA SHOT! I must be producing by SHEDDING!! Holy Cow- I immediately ordered Ultimate Spike Detox from The Wellness Company and will continue my vitamen D, Zinc and Quercetin daily. I like so many others will hope to see independent Scientists develop a treatment to stop the cellular production of Spike Protien POISON!
I am now recommending that ALL my patients get checked for SPIKE PROTEIN ANTIBODIES!
Ask your physician to check your blood- "Semiquantative SARS CoV2 Antibody level - Labcorp does this for $60. If your positive consider reseraching The Wellness Company to DETOX the SPIKE!
This is worse than I already thought existed!!!
Bruce L Boros MD FACC
After our Christmas Season of brotherly lover, it is Past Time to Hunt down All the perps, drag theminto Open Court with cameras, Try them, and let the world know how many Years of your life you lose for LYING to the Human Public!! Brst wishes for 2025.