This is about THAT claim that new evidence from a major university’s study shows that spike protein from COVID-19 vaccines has been found in human bodies 2 years later. But hang on, the CDC said the jab and its products hang around the injection site, do no harm, and only stay for a couple of days. What the?
In case you’re not up to speed, our leaders are lying hypocritical scumbags and actively hate us. There is so much they ‘got wrong’ (intentionally?) about COVID and the jabs, but more relevantly they were so very and undoubtedly wrong about how long the poison is in your body, it’s at least a few months, that the CDC quietly scrubbed their website to reflect this. Here’s what’s new.
The Yale School of Medicine, kind of a big deal, has been running a big study on “long COVID, post-vaccine syndrome (PVS), and associated conditions”. Source. Some startling claims about this research have been going around the internets of late, including that spike protein has been found in vaccinees TWO YEARS LATER. In people that didn’t have COVID, heavily implying this is the jab. Why is this stuff there? Has the jab/jab products actually worked its way into your DNA? Or is it so robust - we don’t want this either - that the body can’t get rid of it? As a rational expert who also has suffered from some measure of autoimmunity in the past, this is one of the key reasons I was reluctant about the jab and its novel method of action. What if there’s no off switch? Won’t we get way more health problems than we’re preventing? Especially when here in Australia we got COVID late and the non-hysterical among us realised it really was no biggie? Maybe the jab is behind the mysterious phenomenon of post-pandemic excess mortality? For wondering such things we were/are called conspiracy theorists. But I will have my justice… And by that I mean money. I’m actually feeling quite good about not, to paraphrase our Senator Pauline Hanson, putting ‘that shit’ in my body.
One more thing. Rumours of unpublished research do not meet OTN’s typical standard of evidence. So I personally contacted some of the researchers involved in the study. They did not deny these claims. And they indicated that the preprint may be available as early as next month.
Okay then.
And have a happy new year! With the jab and its products still flowing in your veins long after the pandemic, doing who knows what. Yay…
The mRNA tells YOUR dna to produce the spike protein if you allow it into YOUR body.
Any way you slice it, the jab alters your dna.
It was rushed to market, so, there were no trials to prove or disprove the length of time this goes on.
“In case you’re not up to speed, our leaders are lying hypocritical scumbags…”
The saddest part of the whole C19 fiasco is that the above rhetoric isn’t hyperbolic, but actually accurate for a meaningful amount of our “leaders” and bureaucrats.
The good part is that at least now we know.