So soon after recent Islamist stabbings, ABC News reports: “A car plowed into people visiting a Christmas market in Magdeburg, Germany, on Friday, killing at least two people and injuring nearly 70 others, according to German officials. … German authorities are treating the incident as terrorism. … The suspect is an approximately 50-year-old doctor from Saudi Arabia who has lived in Germany since 2006, according to Haseloff.” Source.
Is anyone surprised about that last bit? People in the West tend to be Christian or Atheist, or something in between. When looking at terror attacks perpetrated by recent arrivals bringing cultural enrichment to our shores, typically from North Africa and Asia, one particular religion tends to dominate. How many were enacted by Hindus? By Sikhs? By Jains? By Buddhists? By Taoists? Indeed, by Jews? And how many by Muslims? Nearly all of them, right? And a good chunk of the rest is in response to the actions of Muslims. Keep telling yourself that Islam is a ‘religion of peace’. CNN seems to think so. Source. As do our beloved establishment politicians. Source. Maybe Europe would like some of those maligned ‘Trump Muslim/refugee bans’ right about now? Source.
Okay then.
Extra: For those who are simply ignorant about Islam and the violence it causes amongst its followers and victims, like Jordan Peterson who (cowardly, in my opinion) claims he doesn’t know enough about it, let me share something briefly with you from my time as a lecturer on World Religions, including Islam. Unlike figures like Jesus or the Buddha, the prophet Muhammad is one of only a handful of founders of major religions who, after their ‘conversion’ or ‘religious moment’, killed, tortured, conquered, slaved, and raped. Some would say he committed child molestation as well, but that depends on whether you think it is wrong to marry a girl at 6 and consummate the marriage at 9. All this is from Muslim sources, by the way, including the Quran. When he’s supposed to be the best dude ever, is it any surprise if his followers emulate him to some extent? Furthermore, immediately after his death his followers went and made a nice little empire, doing all the sorts of things we Westerners are apparently supposed to feel guilty about. One day, depending on time, resources, and will, I hope to show you the majority opinions of ‘non-terrorist’ mainstream Muslims in the modern age, though recent developments should make it pretty clear.
Thank you for telling the truth about Islam.
Muslims murder random innocent people all around the world, every day, because Islam tells them that non-Muslims are scum for refusing Islam:
In the 1,000 years that followed the Battle of Tours in 732 AD, the Islamic world made multiple attempts to conquer Western Europe. Each time they were repulsed by the armies of the Catholic kingdoms - the last military assault being defeated at the gates of Vienna in 1683 AD. Over 1 million Catholic soldiers probably died in defence of Europe during that millennium. Since the 1683 AD victory at Vienna, the ruling elites of much of Western Europe have either forgotten the lessons learnt by their predecessors about militant Islam or have deliberately airbrushed them from the history books.
In the 200 pages of the agreed-upon Constitution of the European Union, there are no explicit references to Christianity - only a passing mention of the "cultural, religious and humanist inheritance of Europe". Any specific reference to Christianity and its values in the EU Constitution was adamantly rejected by ‘the wise men’ (& women) who rule the majority of EU states. In effect, they have dumped the spiritual value system that underpinned and once motivated their civilisation.
As the demographic collapse of the native peoples of Western Europe gathers pace over the rest of this century, there will come a point when the distress of ordinary European people at the replacement of their culture and values by those of Islam becomes unbearable. The result will be conflict – possibly on a scale exceeding that of The Thirty Years War (1618-1648). On current indicators - and judging by the wretchedly poor quality of modern-day European leaders – the rest of the 21st century may turn out to be bloodier than that of the 20th.
By the time this trauma gets under way you will not find any of the effete European elite classes – the grasping politicians, the academics, EU officialdom, media fakers, etc., etc., - who will be willing to man the metaphorical trenches as the Catholics once did, in order to preserve ‘the values’ of Europe in the face of a physically aggressive culture that is hyper-motivated by a spiritual belief system that acclaims death, conquest, and the subjugation of women.
This is what you get when you dump your heritage and its spirituality and choose to be ruled by the ephemeral values of a class of self-obsessed materialistic buffoons – typified by the current ruling classes of the European Union.
As the last decade of the 21st century approaches, the political entity that we currently know as ‘Deutschland’ will cease to exist and will be renamed the ‘Islamic Republic of Central Europe’. At that point, the exquisite stained-glass windows of medieval Christian structures - such as the Köln Cathedral - will be punched out and replaced by inscriptions from the Koran – just as the icons of Hagia Sophia in old Constantinople were plastered over following that city’s conquest by Islam in 1453 AD.
The mathematics of demography are inexorable, so by the end of this century, the remnants of that last population of ethnic Germans of will sit weeping in their poverty on the banks of the Rhine, cursing their grandparents for allowing the culture that created the genius of individuals such as Beethoven and Goethe to be extinguished by imported barbarians.
It does not have to turn out this way – the choice currently lies with the European people of today.