Despite still not having access to long-term data, we have quite a bit of evidence that the COVID-19 vaccines are not so safe & effective, such as the increasing and highly troubling evidence for negative efficacy, and the fact that the clinical trial data as presented was less than impressive. The way the data is handled is also very problematic, with counting window issues likely leading to exaggerated claims over effectiveness and safety, to say nothing about the adverse effect reports just being ignored. Worse still, the data we have is further highly questionable, with tenuous links being gleefully made between hospitalisations and deaths on the one hand and prior COVID infections on the other; and clear COVID-19 vaccine deaths not being reported as such. We have now more evidence of the latter, and reported in the mainstream media to boot.
The Telegraph, soon after acknowledging that the AstraZeneca jab’s risks outweigh the benefits in the young, and that the manufacturer is being sued, have published a new article discussing several cases where COVID vaccine deaths were only labelled as such after families fought for many months to set the record straight. Source. Based on incomplete data, dodgy data, and mishandled data the COVID-19 vaccines are definitely safe & effective. It’s like how North Korea definitely won the FIFA World Cup. I wonder how it all would look if we did proper science, and didn’t completely destroy the people who rightfully asked questions. One thing is certain. If jab deaths were counted like COVID deaths were we’d have a health crisis that would make the COVID-19 pandemic look like a joke.
Okay then.
Extra: It gets better, because of course it does. A new study based on recently released clinical trial data that was meant to be hidden for 75 years (and it can take that long to figure out a pharmaceutical product is unsafe, as with pholcodine) has found not only that sudden deaths occurred twice as often in the jabbed than in the unjabbed when it came to Pfizer’s trial, but that a man’s death (subject #10841470) was reported as “a placebo death with COVID-19 as the secondary cause of death”, when he actually received a dose of the Moderna vaccine a bit after the placebo shots and died mere days later. Source.
Most vaccine deaths are in fact COVID deaths.